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    1. December 10, 2013

      by , 12-10-2013 at 04:01 PM
      I don't remember most of the dream, but my ex-fiance was in it. We were spending time together somewhere.

      We decided to find a hotel/motel. The ones we found were cabin- or apartment-like, and we went to the wrong one first. We found the right one, and I decided to take a shower while he went out for something. I was standing there in a robe and my socks when he got back, and I felt like I'd just been spacing out while he was gone, possibly contemplating if I really wanted to be with him. He caressed me, and the love poured back, yet I was questioning it.
    2. Nov 30th, 2013

      by , 11-30-2013 at 11:54 PM
      Was going on a road trip with some other people, and I think there were 3 vehicles going. One had 3 or 4, another had 4 or 5, and one had just one guy. I started going with the bigger group, until I found out the one guy was alone. I also seem to remember hanging out with a bunch of people, and one guy was talking to me. I thought it was Justin, but he didn’t look right, and the way he opened his mouth to talk was odd. Most of his teeth were partially missing.

      I was at this house, and I don’t think the owner was there. I don’t remember much of it except for the “basement.” At first it looked like a small dark room without much in it, then I started looking around and seeing other rooms inside. One was a little girl’s room, and I laid in the bed. I look at the blanket, and see some dark brown bugs I’ve never seen before. I can’t tell if they’re alive or dead, they’re not really moving much. I look at my left hand and see a bunch of white spots. “It’s gotta be from the bugs, they’ve gotta be alive, but they’re barely moving…?” The white is pus, and I’ve got bites everywhere, but mostly my left hand. The bites pop open easily, and the pus oozes out. My mom seems to be there (I want to say I went to the bottom of the stairs and called up to her to come down), and I’m showing her the bites and the bugs, but she’s not sure either. A little while later, I’m either just looking at my arm, or I’m showing it to someone, and my arm is really red now.

      I’m trying to find a shower to see about getting the pus washed away, and my mom shows me this tanning bed-looking thing upstairs. We’re trying to figure out how to turn it on and how I get in to clean myself. She says someone else used it earlier, and they came out looking freshly showered. The water seems to be shooting towards the top where the head would go, and it’s scalding hot. Some other people walk into the room chatting, and we all decide that the machine isn’t that safe.

      I also seem to remember hanging out with some people, mostly guys, but I’m not sure who they were or what we were doing.