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    First Lucid

    by , 11-17-2010 at 08:59 AM (527 Views)
    It began in space, like a commercial space holiday. I was in a dark room, with about 7 other people. I had this piece of paper that looked like an origami sheet, so I folded it up and found out that it made a long staff. one one end there was a green lazer and a bright light and on the other end there was a red lazer and an infinate parma-violet shooter. (little purple sweets that taste like perfume.) Then I was back on earth and I still had my staff which I intended to keep forever. We went into what looked like a school but was actually the headquaters of the space holiday thing, I began pushing a big trolley through it and then suddenly I was in space again. This time I had some fun with the staff and turned into a ninja sort of thing.
    Then I went into sleep paralysis. I managed to get out of it fairly quickly though, strait into a false awakening. So I jumped around my bedroom like a ninja with the staff, shooting out parma-violets.
    Then I went into another false awakening. But this one was very clear and vivid. I went and looked in the bathroom and noticed the light switch didnt work but I ignored it. Then I noticed the whole bathroom looked completely different, but told myself we must have redecorated. Then I looked in the mirror and noticed I had 3 sets of top teeth, all ontop of each other. I had braces as well, for some reason. I knew I was dreaming from the start but just ignored it. I decided that after my reflection I should do a reality check so I did, neither of them worked really well but at this moment I reasised I must be dreaming. So I ran up to the nearest window, smashed it and flew out so fast that it felt awesome. But then the dream faded to white.
    I went downstairs to tell everyone I had had a lucid dream...Then reaslised I was having ANOTHER false awakening. Then I woke up for real.

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