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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Feynman Vs. Slenderman: The Showdown

      by , 11-23-2012 at 05:42 PM
      Okay, so for a couple months I was plagued by nightmares of Slenderman. I finally decided that I'd had enough and came here. I got a lucid dream on my third try. I don't remember it in great detail, but it went like this:

      I was in Barnes and Noble during some big book sale, and there were tons of people. For some reason, I just got that feeling that you get in dreams sometimes when you can just tell it's going to turn into a nightmare (You know that feeling, right?) For some reason, I just decided to do one of my reality checks and sure enough my finger went right through my hand. That's when Slendy walked in.

      Everybody ran away, and I just stood there staring right at it. Someone shouted at me to run but I said to no one in particular that I wasn't going to run away anymore. After a few seconds of standoff Slenderman went multi-armed and reached towards me. That's where it gets a little fuzzy, but I remember we had this huge battle and I pounded the crap out of him. I tackled him through a window into the mall (the Barnes and Noble near me is in a mall). I thought I'd killed him, but he got back up. I was ready for round to, but he just stared at me for a second and then walked away. I don't know if that means he'll come back, but I'm just glad he's gone for now.
      lucid , memorable