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    1. NYC and a Creepy old lady ghost

      by , 01-24-2013 at 04:32 PM

      Hrs slept: 5, then 2 more

      I have been recently trying to incorporate WBTB with my MILD, but last night I was lax - didn't do any mantras. However I was woken up by the cat at the right time, so I stayed up a little and did a visualization. No lucids but the dreams I had were pretty vivid.

      Went to NYC with Becca for Jessica’s 21st birthday. We were in her house with her 3 roommates, one of them was Carrissa. Becca and I seemed to be as excited as Jessica, and no one else was. So we started getting ready. I was hanging at a small square table near a kitchen area with her roomies and Bec had gone into Jessica’s bedroom with her. The kitchen I was sitting in was yellow, and it was by a railing that seperated it from the living room/entry to the house. Beyond the kitchen through one door was Jess's room. This seemed to be the entire house. So we start talking about nails and are comparing nail beds. Then I go into Jessica's room and see she has music videos playing on a big screen tv on the wall and the a smaller tv on the opposite wall playing the same thing.
      Confustion>>> Next Becca and I are trying to leave the city? And our moms are around somewhere, I think. So we run and catch this tiny ferry, thinking it’s going somewhere and it happens to be full of these younger guys all in uniforms, like they were boy scouts or navy or something. It’s nighttime at this point.
      More confusion>>> I’m still trying to get home but I have Smokey (my real life cat) with me!! Still night. I’m walking and clutching her for dear life and she wants to get down. We pass numerous dogs and she’s shaking in my arms. Then I get to a subway station and am pretty positive I can’t take pets on board. I look and see a “No Pets” sign, it was blue with white letters. So I’m thinking wow, I should have NEVER taken a cat into the city, and thought of Mindy who knew I did it (even though I took her without asking) and she was probably thinking I made a mistake. So this subway is somehow in Queens, and at that point I realize I can’t board a plane with her, and can’t really take a taxi anywhere. What I needed was someone to drive me home! (I think I may have been semi-lucid for this dream, cause once I realized there was no way to get home, I woke up).
      Fragment- Somewhere in those dreams I was at home hanging out with L and we got a feeling a ghost was near. It was dark in my room, and I was looking down at the stairs and we saw a shadow figure, to me it was some old lady, creepishly crawling up to us! I distinctly saw a hand figure and her move up the stairs. Then she was upstairs, we could sense it, and so I said kind of aggressively (only cause I was freaked out
      ) “Leave! You can get out!” and I don’t think she did because then the attic door kept opening by itself.
    2. Ghost hunting fragment

      by , 01-20-2013 at 09:01 PM

      Hrs slept: 8

      Decided to record this little tidbit because it was visually cool.

      I was in an old house that had dark wooden floors, walls and ceiling (very cabin-like). I was on an upper level of the house with the Ghost Adventures crew. We were searching for ghosts and I had this feeling that something was there, and looked on the floor to see wetness appear. I tried to get the other guys to notice it but Zak remained oblivious... until he saw it appear on the thermal camera. He then started to get excited so I came over to look and from there the view of my dream was now just the screen of the thermal cam. So sure enough I looked and could see everything all purply how it appears on the camera and then 3 large (like extra large, probably size 16 in mens) footprints appeared on the wooden floor. They were bright yellow which means in thermal terms, were hotter than everything around them. Then I woke up and felt interrupted because that dream was definitely not over.
    3. Brief dream in the driveway

      by , 10-05-2012 at 02:04 AM

      Well I haven't been very focused on going lucid the last couple months but October will be different!! I have a goal to write down at least 5 dreams a week.. And even though this dream is short and insignificant I am trying to stay disciplined so here it is.

      I remember sitting outside on the driveway of the house on the end of the street my aunt and uncle live on. I was surrounded by a bunch small children and everyone was settled down on the concrete with blankets and such. I think there was even a play easel thing sitting there. It was grayish/cloudy outside and for some reason my dad was chosen to read everyone a bedtime story.
    4. 2 Fragments, Airplane-Bus, and Visiting Spain

      by , 08-10-2012 at 04:27 PM

      Hrs Slept: 8, then 2 and half more hrs

      I woke up at 7am because Smokey (cat) woke me, and it helped me remember the first of my dreams. Then I fell back asleep and had more, although I can't tell the order of these dreams very well but I did my best.

      Fragment 1- I remember weird bits about hanging out with my sister and cousin in our backyard? And we were messing with hair or something, then I was going to a movie and had to get ready really quick but something was stopping me from getting in the shower. I couldn’t find a brush or something like that. Also I vaguely remember my sister had her cell phone outside with us and my cousin had her laptop.

      I’m boarding a small airplane with Abby on it, and it’s an older woman with a tight gray bun on her head who’s the pilot. I get the feeling I’ve taken this plane before. So we take off from my town using the on-ramp at the interstate and the woman whose piloting the plane is kinda diagonal from me (it’s set up more like a bus, and she’s in the driver’s seat and I’m in one of the front row). She keeps telling me and Abby about her piloting strategies. I don’t remember what she said exactly.
      Next thing I know we are on a road even though it’s an airplane and we are stopped on a corner at a red light. I look out the window and see Abby doing something really funny on the corner there in front of a little restaurant, so I pull the bus/plane around the corner because that will give her more room to do whatever it is she’s doing. And I think I pull out my camera.

      Visiting Spain
      I’m with Abby and Jesse’s gf Lauren and maybe Jesse and Becca and we are in another country that looks like Spain or Morocco or something. But we step out from a huge building that has open squares with no panes for windows and it’s all made of stone or sandstone or something tan colored. We step out onto this large flat balcony type thing and look out over the sea. It’s a beautiful place all golden and lit up from the setting sun and I’m taking pictures like crazy. Then we go to eat in a little restaurant that’s part of the sandstone building and it has little square tables and set up much like an old fashioned dining car on a train. There are two men eating at a table near us and they are older but attractive.

      Fragment 2 – I’m partying at Jessica’s house and chase is there and I go to use the bathroom and the toilet paper runs out and right as it does it makes a fart noise and there’s a note on the tp that says something like “fart paper! Gotcha" so I know it was a joke set up by someone partying with us. I remember Chase was there and thinking it was probably him.
    5. Doughnuts and a Bike Ride

      by , 08-07-2012 at 05:11 AM

      Hrs Slept: 8 or 9

      Had these dreams while on vacation at the lake with a bunch of my family.


      I went to work and it was at a doughnut shop (instead of pizza like reality) and was at the register selling some young girl a doughnut with bright blue frosting and shaped like a large flat fish. I didn’t know how to work it cause I only just got there and realized my boss bought the doughnut shop and we were doing that instead of pizza. So I go to the back room where my boss is (leaving the young girl at the register) and she’s busy with an employee doing time cards or something and couldn’t help me at the moment and seemed really annoyed I had to come ask her for help but no one told me she moved over to the shop so really it wasn’t my fault I didn’t know what I was doing.

      Bike Ride

      Jessica and I are biking on a bright summer’s evening in the downtown of a city and we pass this cemented ditch beside a river and bridge and I realize this is the same spot where I saw two girls on the new got kidnapped and I didn't point this out to Jessica because I didn’t want to freak her out since the news also said there were several registered sex offenders in the area (which in real life I saw on the news a while back that these 2 girls got kidnapped on a bike ride). So we are biking around and are in a parking lot in Old Town (which is a development with a bunch of cool old buildings and bars and apartments) so I stop briefly to talk to some of my family who happen to be there. Then we continue on biking and suddenly are out of Old Town and can’t seem to find our way back. We are getting kinda lost but it occurs to me we are going the wrong way and I tell her we need to turn around and go back down the street, but then I think to myself the Old Town entrance will be right across the road and I turn my head and there it was! So we enter and ride in front of a restaurant where a group of people are just getting done eating dinner and I see J.m and M.m in the group and hear M say to J “No, let’s just go home” and at that time J and I make eye contact, then M and I do… Then Jess and I ride away and somehow end up going to J’s place of work. It’s this big building that’s all modern architecture and we find ourselves in a huge revolving door, like as big as a room. And everytime it revolves we inside the building and each time it’s a different scene (weird ass dream) and there were many men and I was looking for J but couldn’t look long enough cause I got woken up by my cousin trying to take a pic of me sleeping with my phone. Ha!
    6. Airport problems

      by , 07-20-2012 at 05:04 PM

      Hrs. slept: 7

      Muddled yet again. I have forgotten quite a lot but I’ll type what I do remember. Often when I’m taking a trip somewhere I will have dreams weeks in advance about forgetting luggage or not being packed in time or missing my trips entirely… this is one of those dreams.

      I was getting ready for my NYC trip last minute. I remember packing my suitcase and I know I put my jewelry making stuff in there, and for some reason I put my painting easel and paints in it too. So I felt good about it. Next I know I’m at the airport trying to board the plane and I don’t have my tickets. So I go to try and print them out but I forgot my Eticket code and can’t get on the plane. My trip gets delayed a day and now I’m going on Thursday instead of Wednesday. So I don’t know which day it is but I’m at an airport again and I can’t remember what I was trying to do, but I saw two of my former classmates – Cj and PB. There is some kind of SAT-like test being administered here, and for some reason I don’t want to tell them about my plane mishaps so instead I just pretend I’m there to take the test. Then CJ walks over to me (this is weird) and casually puts a bag of weed under my nose to smell, so I smell it and “nom nom nom” the bag. (Like literally bite it, lightly) He smiles and walks away. I wake up.
    7. Summer Camp

      by , 07-19-2012 at 09:19 PM

      Hrs. Slept: 7

      This dream is very muddled and I wrote it down hours later so I've forgotten a lot. Clarity was not so good.

      First I think the whole dream took place at a summer camp I worked at last summer. Or the one I went to growing up. Or a mixture of both. Anyway I think I was working there and staying with Libby W., we were roommates or she was a big part of it. Next thing I remember I’m with Lauren and we are on a mission to defeat some evil person… like the director of the camp was evil? So in order to get to the evil director you had to do a series of tasks, and I only remember 2. The first was swimming through this underwater tunnel in the side of a huge rock. The tunnel was in the shape of a small square, and Lauren is leading me and when we get to the square I push my video camera (don’t know where that came from, I just remember that it was necessary to have with me. And it’s one of those huge chunky 90’s style cameras that sit on your shoulder) through first then squeeze myself through (and this is still all underwater). The second task is the last one before you get to evil camp director and it was an old style arcade game and Lauren had to play it constantly and not die while I went and fought the evil person, and if Lauren died then our mission would fail.

      Switch - I’m still at the camp and there’s a library there, and Lauren has fainted or something so there’s a small group of us around her including Saralyn. Then someone points out the window and I look up out the windows to see a church group (mostly amish) arriving at the camp. They come in the library and there's a guy who I knew a yr ago with the group. He comes up to talk to us and I feel like he’s giving me the chance to talk to him so I try and say something witty and interesting but whatever I say comes out completely lame and I’m embarrassed. He seems mad so he starts to walk away and I call “Wait!” so he comes back and next thing I know he starts asking all these personal questions and is mean about them and also falsely accuses me of following him around when I knew him. And at some point we switched from being in the library to an outside playground where the Amish kids from his church are swinging and hanging out and it's bright and sunny. Then I woke up.
    8. Dark dreams

      by , 07-17-2012 at 04:04 AM

      Hrs Slept: Around 9

      I woke up to feed the cat and remembered 2 dreams and some fragments. The first is rather fuzzy and I know I’m forgetting part of it, and the second is clear and vivid.

      Dream 1- I kept visiting this little house that was by a sea somewhere and I remember it had broken and patchy boarded up windows. I would go there with some older guy who was either a professor or uncle or something. I also kept receiving letters from my best friend, and I was confused at to how she even knew about this little cottage because I always went there as an escape. One day when I was there and had received about 3 letters I looked down at the green envelopes the letters came in and they were addressed to “Shell Cottage”.

      Fragment- There was giant marbles that you could put down a wooden shoot, which I think was at the previous cottage. And the shoot led out the window and into the sea.

      Fragment- I was driving in a car with Trevor J. and Becca and I think it was snowy/winter outside.

      Dream 2- My sister and I got home from going to a nearby town and she had a revolver and one bullet, and it was nighttime, and she was set on going inside the house and killing my brother!! We were on the porch and I stopped her and tried to talk her out of it. It didn’t work, so we went inside and we both knew he would be standing there not too far in the house (which was rather dark). She shot him, and we went out into the backyard to bury the gun! When we went to the front yard there was a cop car there with the lights off and I knew there were 2 cops in the car. We went inside and found my dad at the dining room table and he told us our brother was dead and apparently everyone thought he killed himself. He was reading the manual on how to use the gun that he had given my bro. My dad also said my mom was in the laundry room crying and the cops outside were writing up a report. At this point I broke down and started crying and then woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Grocery store with friends

      by , 07-15-2012 at 01:42 AM
      Hrs Slept: 5 ish

      My first Journal Entry! I have never had a Lucid Dream, so for now I'm just trying to build up my dream recall.

      I went to Dillon's with Becca and Ashley. Our plan was to get a pizza from a hot food place inside the store and we all needed different stuff too so we split up. I was heading towards produce and I saw Becca ahead of me at this "kiosk" for the store where you could look up the location of stuff in the store. And for some reason she had a broom. So I continued shopping and got what I needed which was a bag of lemons and another bag of produce, not sure what it was. Then I went and got in line to check out and put both my bags of produce and also two cups full of liquid that looked just like cups from work. One cup had water and the other was full of lemon juice. So as my cashier is checking out my items I pick up a cup and take a drink, intending to drink water but I actually drank the lemon juice. But it was oddly refreshing and citrus-y. At that same moment I looked down and see a pizza on the conveyer belt. So I said to my cahier who was Lindsey K. “That’s not my pizza” and she apologizes and says it’s hers so she quickly takes it off. There are also some other Dillon's workers around (all wearing red frocks) who witnessed this little scene. At that time I also knew Becca was getting the pizza we were going to eat with Ashley.