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    1. meeting friend and holiday

      by , 08-05-2011 at 11:08 AM
      Last night I dreamed that I was meeting up with a guy from school (not in a date way) who I hardly know. I think my friend came with my as we would have more to talk about. When setting it up he said to meet at the resteraunt place where his mum works but when I didn't know where it was we just agreed on McDonalds. I don't think it was McDonalds the dream actually took us to though, just some café place. By the time we were sat down my friend wasn't with us anymore and we had pretty much nothing to talk about aand the dream ended.
      The dream probably happened becuase I am meeting up with a friend at some point soon who I get along well with but I have no idea what we would actually do when we meet up but I have asked my other friend (the same as the friend in the dream) to come along as she is friends with him also.

      I had another dream the I was on holiday with my boyfriend and his family (which I was last week in Wales) although this place was different and we were all staying in seperate single buildings which were just a bedroom. While there we bumped into a friend of mine who was with her friend (i went on holiday with her to spain a couple of years ago, i think I assumed we were in spain in this dream). My boyfriend and I went to our room, didn't do anything sexual but were naked in bed (maybe because of the heat??) and my friend burst into the room to see if she coul catch us doing anything. She left and the we started to hear people trying to shoot/throw things (not like guns, just toy guns. Some were kids and some were guys in red sodier sort of uniform witbh guns that fired harmless but still annoying hollow black balls. It seemed they were aiming for our room and various other rooms. we were able to draw the curtains but there was no glass behind the curtains, just a gap that went from the floor level nearly to the top of the room and to the sides, i think we had two walls like this.
      I can't remember any more
    2. Last couple of nights

      by , 08-04-2011 at 02:53 PM
      The night before last I dreamed about auditions for the school production. It was odd because no one dresses up for them usually but in the dream (the play we are going to do this year is greece) two guys from my year group had dyed their hair black and styled it, also they had dressed up.

      Last night I remember something about my street being full of water and swimming in it. I got stung by a jelly fish (I saw a few jelly fish last week on holiday while swimming), and it wrapped itself around my leg. I then got it off and swam to a massive rock while a couple of people came over to help me. I think the dream ended with me realising I didn't need to swim back, but if I got off the rock on the other side I could just walk round the block to get back to my house.
      I had another dream where my boyfriend told me he was going to do work experience where him mum works for the rest of this summer. The work was something to do with engineering which is waht he wants to do. It's odd because his mum is a school trip planner who works from home in r/l! He might have been able to come back at weekends but probably wouldn't. He didn't seem sad abou this but I was really upset. In r/l he's really lovely though .
    3. First lucid dream

      by , 08-03-2011 at 11:49 AM
      I had a kindof lucid dream last night after hearing about them over the weekend.
      The reason I say 'kindof'm is because it didn't really feel like I was asleep. I opened my eyes from the dream at one point then closed them again, I was so close to being fully awake. It was like I was awake but when I usually close my eyes and think, I don't get pictures as vivid as this was. Anyway, I was in a very colourful room, like a primary school classroom perhaps, and there was a numberline along the wall. When I went back to my dream and realised I was dreaming, I started trying to make the numbers change. I don't remember what the numbers were originally but I remember changing a number to 2 and another to 9. I also remeber that when trying to change them, the numbers changed rapidily to a lot of different ones first untill they got to the ones I wanted. It felt like my eyes were open so for some reason I thought this would stop my dream so I closed them (in the dream) and this sadly made the dream go away and then I opened my eyes in r/l.
      So yeah that was a kindof lucid dream