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    False Awakening, Wolf Shift, Running, Lucid

    by , 03-19-2012 at 11:46 PM (530 Views)
    This means normal dream
    This means lucid dream
    This means I'm loosing my lucidity
    This means non-dream notes


    One non-lucid dreamlet that I can not recall.

    It started as a false awakening from the no-recall dreamlet. I swear to God it felt like just any other time I wake up at night, i had no susspisions that it could be a dream. But, I decided that would do a few RCs. I did a finger-through-hand RC under my covers, which was a mistake, and it 'checked out'. But, I remembered that nose-plug is the most reliable RC, so I did one. I thought that I had done it wrong, because I could breath. So, I reajusted my fingers and tried again... I could breathe! It was a dream and I was lucid as all get-go! Let me tell you, I was happy. Very happy. To double check I watched myself take my finger and push it through my hand, a successful finger-through-hand RC, which I had never done.

    I got out of bed and went to the steps to walk to the ground level of my house where the dream was taking place. The dream was fuzzy and unclear, but the more I walked the better it became. Half-way down I was confronted by a middle-aged black man whom I felt was of some relation to my mother. It shocked me for a second, but I remembered it was a dream and that as far as the NPCs were concerned I was meant to be in bed asleep. "I forgot to wash my gym clothes." I told the man, as excuse to why I was up. This was true in real life, so it felt like the best excuse.

    The man accepted this wordlessly and left me alone. I continued to descend into the dining room and cross into the living room so I could leave through the front door. I really didn't want to command a location change, so just going into my yard to do some practice stunts felt logical. I went outside and saw two NPC men in a car buzzing by my house. The driver stared at me, dumbfounded, almost as if he knew I was lucid and that it was a big deal, then sped off like a criminal from a crime scene. I shrugged it off. NPCs and their crazy antics, and all.

    I crept to the side of my house that faces the back yard of two other homes, trying to think of what to try and do that would have a minimum risk of breaking the dream. Last time I lucid dreamed had tried to fly from a running start and only managed to get three inhuman jumps in before face-planting and bursting the dream. I ended up settling on shapeshifting into a wolf, something I love to do in nonlucid dreams that I figured would be even better with lucid control.

    I got onto my hands and knees, in the wet grass and the dark night, and thought "I will be a wolf now." It was only semi successful, in the fact that I was now slowly and unnoticeable trading myself for my wolf self, a still disappointing result. I suddenly felt so bare, so watched by the closeness of the houses around me, I couldn't even focus on trying to fully shift again. I control was slipping away, though I was ignorant to that fact at the time. I was becoming more instinctual and less logical from both lack of dream control and my slow, seeping transformation.

    I crawled to the back of my house between the heater and the shed, the only spot in the entire yard with three walls of privacy. Settled, and more sheltered, I tried to fully shift again and as I did
    I saw a flash. I was losing my lucidity, but my curiosity took over and I forgot to try and regain it as I scanned the area for the flash's source. Another flash. Another. And yet another. They were blinding.

    I located the source of them quite quickly; a motion sensor, still mounted camera pointed at me. I was not sure how wolf I was, or how clothed I was for that matter, but, I did not want it on film! I grabbed the camera, ludidity and logic gone, and began gnawing on the lens to no avail. I threw the camera on the ground, smashing it over and over. I ripped the roll of loose film from the camera's smashed hull and looked around as the people in the houses stirred to life. Film in hand (claw?) I started to run away in a fluid four-legged lope, scared of being caught.

    I was full wolf now, and had lost my grasp on the film, leaving it behind. It didn't matter. They were after me.

    I felt so fast, but never nearly fast enough. I hid under the portable classrooms in the school yard, every time I saw a pair of feet passing by my hiding spot I would bolt from under and be running again. Somewhere along the lines I switched from wolf to cougar. Some older man, I could almost smell the faulty small-town political status on him, was having some people push together two stone slabs together in front of the school. A place to put my body after he killed me, he boasted.

    I grew panickier, and raced into a basketball court full of students. I felt as if I knew one of the boys there, and he seemed to know me too. Still, in this form it failed to matter. I lept over the chain-link fences, using my hind legs to springboard from the top. The boy pursued me as I raced into the woods, a wolf again.

    Free. Not free enough. I ran through the forest, past a van full of more people I thought I knew and that knew me too. I felt my humanism tugging at my wolf skin, ripping it away. I dove into a ditch, claw hands pulling a thatched mat over me. I was safe, warm, human. And stark naked.

    There was a scrap of paper, covered in doodles, in the ditch that I clutched to myself. I was human now and I was safe in my thatch. That was all the mattered.

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