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    Geggamoja's Dreams

    by , 09-30-2011 at 12:28 PM (461 Views)
    I had two distinctive different dreams last night. And one of them took a bizarre turns. Though they both took place within the same environment. Which is the neighborhood I grow up in.

    First one

    I'm about eleven at this point, but since in real life I've been rolling my own cigarettes, in the dream I'm an eleven year old smoker.

    I'm hanging around with my friends, faces I've never seen before but trust without a shadow of a doubt. We're sitting around on a bench, talking and laughing. At a previous point, I had stolen before but can't remember.

    One of my friends is having a dog, a very blue but friendly dog with him. I pat him and whatnot.

    Then we hear the cops coming, sirens in the distance. Everyone breaks of and I grabs my bike and ride away, I do an awesome break-n'slide down a road and bike away.

    I met up with my friends later and all go into to a friends apartment. This is where things change.

    Second One

    Loosing my bike, though I don't know how, my friends and I met with up with some girls. They're heading over to the school. I grew from eleven to I think the same age I am in now, I really didn't check myself in a mirror but I felt a change in thinking. From wanting to play sports to checking girls out.

    One of the friends suddenly gets hysterical, the dog is missing. The dog is gone. He runs after it.

    One of the girls, a large but very friendly girl starts talking to me as we walk undergrounds to the school. I put my Xavier-move on her and suddenly she drags him through a basement to a small toilet where we have sex.

    I could go into details, but let's just say it started lovely and gentle and ended like a porno. As I pull my pants and turn around, the blue dog is standing right there.

    After that I woke up cause one of my cats was clawing at the door.

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