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    GeOh's Dream Journal

    Night 15

    by , 03-25-2012 at 12:20 AM (452 Views)
    I have been keeping a DJ for 15 days now, I will just start from the 15th night (last night) so I can stay in-sync with my other entries.

    Normal Dream
    Lucid Dream

    Night 15

    Another great night of dreaming, I even had a LD!

    I. I had a dream loosely based on Skyrim, it was like our world combined with a fantasy world, where it mainly took place was at my school. I remember I needed to do some quest, I found this person who was small and made out of wood, he was telling me about stuff (can't remember what). That is when someone from my school came to work by me, she was not apart of the whole quest/fantasy aspect, when I started to chat with her. Then the person who gave me the quest came up to me and was upset I was not proceeding in the right direction, I was just laughing it off as he pulled me away. I last remember going into some old wooden rooms that you could tell were fit for a fantasy setting, he was taking me to see some person who knew what I needed to do next. That is all I remember.

    II. I am at my old Middle school with my brother and we needed to go to the gym for class, and we were with someone else I remember from school. We all go into the locker room where I noticed there was a lot of boys and girls in the boys locker room. Our teacher came to everyone and said we needed to go to the cafeteria for a meeting, but everyone ignored him and stayed in the locker room lol. Something then caused me to become lucid, it might be because I have been trying to recognize that when I am at school I am dreaming since I dream about it a lot, but whatever it was I become lucid at this point. The first thing I see is that E (a girl I went to school with) was next to me and started walking to the other side of the room, I start to follow her because I was going to question her. I run into her sister A first, she is sitting on the ground working on something, so I crouch down to her level and she looks up and stares at me. The dream was incredibly vivid at this point, her facial features were so clear. So I ask her a question and the conversation goes like this.
    Me- "Who are you?"
    A- *Blank stares*
    Me- "Who are you?"
    A- *Blank stares*
    Alright, this is one of the hollow DC's I read about . So I get up and walk towards E who was far more active than A, this is our conversation.
    Me- "Who are you?"
    E- *no reply*
    Me- "Who are you?"
    E- "You need to leave me."
    Me- "This is a dream, I am dreaming right now." I should of asked why I needed to leave, but w/e.
    E- "You need to wake up."
    At this point I was thinking I do not want to wake up but the dream started to fade away, I started rubbing my hands and then touching my surroundings, it almost worked but the dream still ended .

    III. This one is kind of all over the place. I start off with my family at this movie theater, we are watching this very strange movie about what would happen if someone left the movie theater early compared to if they stayed, idk it was very strange lol. The theater turned into some strange classroom/restaurant, my family already left but the rest of us were trapped, if we left our seat this crazy lady would sick her rabid pink cat on us lol. As she was turned I knew I had to run for the door, and when I did she started yelling something but I made it out before the cat got to me. I look at the time and it was something like 3:40 am and I was like, damn I have to get home fast. I jumped on my bicycle and started riding it down the street when there were 2 other people riding home as well. It was night time, but as we got further down the street it turned to light and we were on some dirt road and under a huge bridge that seemed destroyed, and when we tried to cross under it there were these people hiding shooting assault rifles at us. We were riding as fast as we could just hoping to not get shot, once we got to the other side, there was another bridge that we needed to cross a river, it had explosives already planted on it so when we crossed over we could destroy their route to us. When I crossed, the other people with me told me to go on, so I ended up going through this abandoned farm house that was loaded with guns and explosives. I just kept going, and soon I found myself at this small widow that was multi-layered, like I opened one window and had to open another after that. After opening all of them I realized that it was connected to my house and I had to crawl through so I can get home, I was a tight fit but I made it through fine. I run to my back door and I was surprised it was actually unlocked, but I didn't think much of it, so I walk into my house when my mom was there waiting for me, she says something but I can't remember and the dream ends.

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    lucid , non-lucid
