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    My first lucid dream

    by , 04-09-2011 at 02:52 AM (709 Views)
    March 5th, 2007

    This is my first lucid dream, so I'll be adding it into a different color font. because it's an important step in what i wish to accomplish.
    November 13th, 2006

    It started when I was trying to go back to sleep. I had a hangover & was basically trying to relax my eyes. I started to become half-asleep and half-awake, yet i was able to use my imagination and I could tell anytime my mom was moving around the house or coming anywhere near me (i was on the couch).

    But at some point between laying there and trying to simply rest. I was dreaming and i could somehow tell instantly. I started screaming at my self to realize that i was dreaming, reaching desperately for lucidity. In the dream i was riding in a car and once my screaming reached me, i remembered to try the clock-test. It was incredibly hard to read the clock. But i read it and noted the time. I had to try REALLY hard in order to make myself read it again. But sure enough when i finally did it, the clock read a completely different time.

    I could recall all of the stuff that was possible in the dream world. I screamed (mentally) that I wanted to be at a tropical beach. Easily enough the setting of my dream changed to that of a beach. Unfortunately the beach was more like Panama-city beach than a real tropical setting. (Murky water, dirty sand,ect..) So I screamed again (The screaming is kind of like a yelling/thinking command, than a vocal scream) for it to be a "tropical beach". Instantly (with a flash of pure white, like my mind blanking out) it changed into a Caribbean style beach, the most clear ocean i have ever seen in my life.

    Now the entire setting of my dream was that of a tropical beach. Complete with ocean, sand, buildings, and beach goers (dream characters I've never seen any of them before), filled the otherwise empty environment.
    every single one of the dream characters in this dream was a bikini clad woman.
    Still there was one problem with the setting. The beach was so small. If i could describe it I'd use a video game reference (best way i can), beyond the ocean there was an edge and everything beyond that point was just a white void, as if it was the edge of the universe.

    I "screamed" once more and with it. the beach and world stretched as far as the eye could see in all directions. It was a mesmerizing place. Like something straight out of a travel brochure. Beautiful women, peaceful environment, and me being there, made it something of which i could only describe as nirvana.

    After talking with a few of the dream characters (dialog i didn't remember) and basically wasting the time. I sat down and admired everything that I had created. Unfortunately this was my downfall, for after awhile I started to lose lucidity and I returned to an uncontrollable dream-state and even changed settings to some weird hybrid of a mall/fun-house.

    But WOW! Everything in that beach setting was SO lifelike. I could feel the oceans current hitting my waist in knee-high water, i could feel the sun against my back, I even recall having coherent conversations with the dream characters (though as above, what they said was not recalled). It was one of the best experiences I've ever felt in my life. I hope I can someday reach lucidity again and experience it all over again.

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