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    Couple of short lucid dreams from the other night

    by , 07-31-2017 at 11:41 PM (432 Views)
    Trying to get back into a more regular pattern of writing down my dreams again. I found that is the best way to remember them and have nights with a lot of lucid dreaming.

    In a house with wood paneling, kind of old, but mansion like. I am being told that I have to leave, but when I go back to get out, the rooms have changed. I realize that I am dreaming and try sneaking around the house to get where the people in charge are trying to keep me from. For some reason I think that I have left a room that had something more interesting. I walk into a room finally that is larger and there are a bunch of people working at desks. Dream starts to fade, probably some light sleep paralysis.

    At the edge of a swamp and I see a dark figure (typical dream sign of mine) on the other side. I realize I am dreaming and try to fly over to confront it, but the dream starts to fall apart as I am heading towards it and I end up conscious in darkness for a bit, but have body sensations.

    I am walking with some people down a road and nose check and realize I am dreaming. There is a fuzzyness that I want to get rid of so I scream "vivid" a couple of times which seems to help for awhile. The others are looking at me weird until I tell them "it's cool, I am dreaming". I don't really remember much after that.
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