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    1. Help with my dream!

      by , 10-09-2010 at 02:11 AM
      Well i woke up this morning in a bit of a state remembering this vivid dream. (This is quite a big deal for me as I never remember then after i'm awake) and i believe that this dream was very significant.

      [COLOR="blue"]I arrived at this strange dark apartment and let myself inside. I walked inside and it was my 4 best friends apartment. It was just a normal day and we were chatting and then finally they asked me what was in the bag. I started screaming at them all of a sudden telling them that I couldnt believe after everything that my ex boyfriend put me through they were helping him and his new girlfriend plan their wedding. Then I grabbed the bag and stormed outside in hysterics and sat on the pavement utside their apartment.

      I tipped out the bag and out fell books that i starte d to flick through. They follwed me outside and dragged me back upstairs. Everything was still dark and i had been ctrying so much i had makeup down my face. Then they asked me what was in the bag and they pulled out this gorgeous white wedding dress and wedding lingerie and they helped me get into it and told me how beautiful a bride I would have been.


      I just find this dream quite bizarre as for my ex boyfriend and I marriage was never talked about and we broke up a year ago. Although , one of my four best friends and my little sister are still in touch with him.

      If someone could tell me the symbolisim beind this that would definatley put my mind at ease as I never remember my dreams and this one was so vivid@