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    1. Nothing

      by , 01-17-2012 at 03:14 AM
      Dont remember anything from the past 2 nights. I will tonight though.
    2. skipped

      by , 01-16-2012 at 12:57 AM
      Well, i skipped for a couple days, the first night i didnt dream anything. Last night i got really drunk, and dont remember anything except a couple of fragments. Gotta stay motivated.
    3. Very vivid

      by , 01-13-2012 at 05:37 PM
      Last night i dreamed 1st of taking some girl under my wing. I cant remember what was wrong with her, but something was up. Then she started coming on to me and it made me very uncomfortable. I pushed her away and she started taking off her clothes and had something written on her stomach. I told her to stop, and then the dream shifted to a zombie dream. I was in a bar and there was a fire breathing dragon zombie. (yeah, if you ever see one of those, you are pretty much effed) i was unloading machine gun rounds into it and finally it died. Then there was a group of swat members trying to execute everyone. I dove under the bar and found $121.00 sitting under it. then, it became quiet in the building, I remember shooting a few zombies here and there, but much more quiet than before. Then, for whatever reason, i realized i needed to get out of there and find shelter in the woods somewhere. I climbing down behind main street in my town, it was dark, and i saw some people taking pictures and listening to music. I tried to hide from them, but they saw me so i just went with it; keeping my distance and moving to another building across the alley. When i entered i found my friend J.P. He was all decked out and handed me a snub nosed pistol. We started movong through the building killing a mix of zombies and swat. I remember thinking " man, i sure do have alot of bullets." Then, we saw the "boss" or whatever. He came through and, of course, now i was out of bullets. He hit me and JP with a metal pipe knocking us out, and i woke up. I was almost lucid a couple of times through this adventure
      memorable , side notes
    4. Not too much to remember

      by , 01-12-2012 at 05:02 PM
      I drank a little alcohol last night and i think it may have affected my dreaming. I dont remember very much at all. What i do remember is dreaming of my old cajun friend talking to me about someone he wanted to call the police about. I agreed and conversed wiith him for a little while. Then, i was down town and i saw a police car coming with the passenger door open. My cajun friend was hanging on the door as they were riding down the road. I remember laughing and telling my friend and then it replayed a couple times. Its kinda coming back now. I also dreamed about being with my wife and driving down a road that was right up against a wood line on the right and rolling hills on the left. seeing kids playing on some equipment at a gate. thats about it.

      Updated 01-12-2012 at 05:14 PM by 52266

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Humiliation and things

      by , 01-11-2012 at 03:52 PM
      My first dream was set in the desert in some sort of war simulation. I was under a big tent thing and was shooting guns with a few people. We werent in the military, but more like a third party type company testing out guns. idk. Anyways, we started shooting and i noticed that several of the guns had a built in suppression system and remember being quiet impressed by this. Then, the simulation sent what seemed like a thousand men with one leader that wouldnt die..we starting picking them off and then i zoomed up into a sky view where i could see that my group of men were crowded into a circle and the opposing simulations were gathered around us. It became a wierd sky based game where my men couldnt touch the outer wall; the simulations. And now, in retrospect, it looked just like the Lucid Crossroads..interesting. then i dreamed that i was sitting at the table and my "uncle Mike" came over. (I dont have an uncle Mike, but i have seen him in a dream before.) He threw some food down on the table; a bargain shopper bag of cereal and a couple cans i think. I remember joking with everyone who was sitting around that i could tell by the ammount of food how long he would be staying. "He brought 2 weeks worth of food, that means we wont get rid of him for at least a month" i said. He was sort of that family member that everyone despised, but couldnt turn him away. Then, the humiliation. I was sitting in my living room about to call someone but i needed a number. I got on the computer really fast to look up the number and when I got off my aunt got on. I went back to the computer as i had forgot to get some bit of information and when i did, my aunt said, "Stop looking at titties". I laughed and asked what she meant. She said it again, and i looked at the computer screen and it was covered with porn. To top it off, i was now in my underwear, making my innocence that much harder to validate. I helped her remove this from the screen; my entire family now standing behind us. Then, thank God, i woke up.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    6. random

      by , 01-10-2012 at 04:50 PM
      Last night was another variety of dreams. I first dreamed that it was a post apocolyptic world i think there were people hunting us. It kind of fluttered back and forth from that atmosphere to me being a bystandard in Star Wars Return of the Jedi.lol Dreams are gettting more memorable though, I am realizing that i almost always dream of things that i see during the previous day in extreme passing view. Nothing that i take more than a second to think about. only things that i happen to encounter and barely remember..hmm

      Updated 01-11-2012 at 04:38 AM by 52266

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Several realistic dreams

      by , 01-09-2012 at 11:44 PM
      Well, last night was quiet a busy night of dreaming. I dreamed about being in a pawn shop with my boss looking at an awesome rifle with 2 scopes. I remember thinking this seemed impossible, and then i put it on layaway. then, i dreamed i was in the prep room at work and there was a deviant younger person there that was taking bodies and putting them on a cart and playing with them like toy cars; very disturbing. For some reason, no one felt they could say anything to him out of fear. I had several other dreams, but as the day has gone by i have forgotten them. Today, i have been trying Lucid Living and hoping it will transfer into my dream world.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Plethora of dreams! still no lucid though. :(

      by , 01-09-2012 at 01:03 AM
      Well, last night i tried a couple different times to do WILD and once again, i did not fully succeed. Although, i did have MANY different dreams that were quiet..wierd. I dreamed 1st that i was some kind of journalist sent to Iraq to take pictures and saw alot of action. When i returned home, my wife was worried that i was never going to be her husband again..then something about seeing a friend on some sort of tv show or movie or something..Finally, this morning when it was time to get up and go to work, i closed my eyes and was having HG images and sounds! I was so excited and aggrivated at the same time because i knew i had to get up and couldnt expirement with it at that time or i would be late for work. I have been doing reality checks all day today and trying to prepare myself for tonight..i am hopeful that my ability to test a couple different methods every night will increase my chances. (WILD, DILD)
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Gwatts and the grand illusion

      by , 01-08-2012 at 02:34 AM
      Well, this is my first entry so i guess i will jump right in.

      for the last couple of weeks i have been trying to obtain WILD skills and so far have had a few close calls. Last night was a slap in the face as i fell asleep while trying WILD and actually dreamed i was awake thinking of how to lucid dream.lol. This is not the first time this has happened, and it is so aggrivating! But i wont give up. In one of my WILD attemps, i had blinking lights, then one dream i had was a strange thing; i dreamed very clearly the saying, "ask and you shall recieve" the next day, i heard this term 3 times

      Updated 01-09-2012 at 11:53 PM by 52266

      non-lucid , false awakening