I had been taken prisoner or hostage with a group of people. We were all on the ground. Suddenly some of the hostages / prisoners got up and ran, me and one other did not run because we were high ranking we would be shot. After a few moments I did get up an run. I ran down a small stair case and picked up a bag filled with cartons of cigarettes. We started talking about. I looked at my phone and it was running out of battery. I walked out of the stair case and I was in my backyard. There was a large mound in the middle of it and I walked over it and up the stairs to my house. The mound had been created by junk and then grass grew over it after a long time. I put my phone on the charger and walked downstairs to a ship selling glasses. My friend was there and was helping me choose some glasses. We walked outside and again I found a bag filled with cigarettes and I took it. I was walking outside although I felt as thought I was inside. I was heading towards a mall. I wanted to get my phone so got home and took it off the charger but it was still very low battery. I wanted to go clubbing and was thinking about how I could conserve battery power. I started walking down unfamiliar streets with some people whilst looking at my phone. I had put a new security lock on it. It had something to do with matching Chinese characters. Someone was trying to help me unlock the phone but we were getting the characters wrong. I got locked out of the phone and and flipped it shut. I kept walking down the street and at the next intersection my dad and uncle started speeding down on a high powered supped up wheel chair.
So the first two dreams happened two nights ago but haven't gotten around to writing them up here. The first one starts with me driving over a mountain and then parking outside a house. Across the street was a man and I got out of the car opened the back door and pulled out a baseball bat from the back seat. I started walking over to the man and he pulled out some crabs which he was going use use as weapons. When I got closer he ran away. I started hitting a wall and chipping off some concrete. I was swimming in a pool with a group of people. Someone through a knife and I had to duck below water to avoid being hit. When I came up the girl who threw the knife was laughing and said it was accident. I didn't believe her but kept swimming in the pool. I turned around and ducked below water. I saw another knife fly above my head and I knew she wanted to kill me. I then felt someone standing on me and not letting me swim back to the surface. I became scared and started to panic because I was running out of breath. Then I woke up. Last nights dreams.. I started off in a prison or castle and I felt like I was playing a computer game. I crept into someones room and started to steal things from the book shelf. When I took them they just vanished like they would in a computer game. I kept looking around the room and saw a gold skull. I zoomed in on one of the eye holes and there was nothing in there so zoomed out and zoomed in on the second. There were two red dots which I thought were spider eyes. I zoomed out and zoomed in on another hole in the skull. There was a black and white bug and he said, "I'm going to hack you!". He then started to unzip his body. I zoomed out and ran to the window. I jumped out and rolled off the roof onto the street. There were many tall buildings and it felt a little futuristic. I started walking with a friend. The street changed into a main street of Adelaide and we were going to a club called "The City". We came past a bar and my friend wanted to go in. Hanging outside was another friend I haven't seen for a long time. He had grown a very full beard. I was very happy to see him and started jumping up and down, shaking his hand and saying, "It's so awesome to see you!". We decided to go into the bar but a bouncer stopped us and asked, "How many drinks have you boys had". "3 or 4". I replied. "How can it be 3 or 4! You've either had 3, or you've had 4. Which one". It was said suspiciously. I said back. "We had 1 beer a few hours ago, then had 3, so it averages out to be about 3 or 4 standard drinks. I'm not sure if we should say 3...or 4." Everyone was very impressed, and the bouncer let us in. The bar was quite classy. There were chairs going all the way round the main bar in the middle. We walked to the back and it turned into a Thai restaurant. The food was already per-packaged into plastic bags and the shelves were stocked topped to bottom with the these bags. I started to focus on a photograph on the wall of the inside of a bus. There was a dead body of a boy who had been shot. There was blood all over the bus. I couldn't stop looking at it. I was thinking to myself, that's a lot of blood for one person. And then I saw the driver was also dead and had been shot. I was then overlooking the bus as it drove out of control down a hill and crashed over the edge of small cliff.
I'm fairly sure the dream I had last night was one long one but it's broken up and I can't remember certain parts. I'll do my best to recount the dream. I was in a long building with a friend called James. The building was empty and we came to a door that led outside. We walked out and I could see rolling hills into the distance. We walked about 100 meters when something large flashed in-front of us. James told me "That's a cat! RUN!". So I turned around a ran as fast as I could back to the door. Images of a cheetah lions came to me, and when I turned around it was a lion chasing us back to the building. We ran into the building and the lion followed. James went left and I went right. I jumped into a lift and went to the second floor which overlooked the first floor I was just on. I thought I would be safe up here, but the lion started taking run ups and jumping to where I was. I started running away and the lion kept trying to jump up. It finally made it up and I ran as fast as I could. Now I was at a sports oval and I was on the hiding from some people who were after me. Someone gave me a device that would determine the level of color of an object. It was long and thin. You would hold it against the object you wanted and look down the small hole and it would give a reading. I was in a large hall from the university I graduated from. Some people who I went on exchange with were there. I approached one and said Hi, he was very happy to see me but all of the others ignored me. I felt a little insulted. The one who said hi took me aside and was trying to hug me but I wouldn't let him. We started talking about the others and how I really felt about them. I went back over to them and they got up to plan a holiday they were having. The room turned into a larger version of my bedroom but there was gym equipment. One girl set up her laptop where my bed was and started organizing things. She was so particular about everything, and it was really annoying and frustrating me. She had everything planned to the "t" such as the exact two opportunities we could go and buy and purchase a rug, but we had to choose one time only. It was really starting to annoy me and I was saying things that I knew were making her know I was annoyed. She then asked a question about my ex-girlfriends sister and family and if they would be "91 days in Bangkok, maybe I can have some free accommodation". I ignored the accommodation part and started asking "what do you mean 91 days! that doesn't make any sense". She started to get upset and I started to tell her how much I hated her and annoyed me. How rude she was. I felt so much better and little superior. I told her how others felt the same way so I knew I wasn't wrong and didn't feel bad. I walked off. I was now driving at the bottom of a hill with a friend. I drove over some speed bumps recklessly. My friend said I shouldn't do that it's bad for the car. I told him it would be fine. As we got further and further up the hill there were small villages and a lot of police. We got to a large tunnel. As we walked through the tunnel it started to open up into a strange world of clouds and mountains. Everything was more like a silhouette than the actual thing. There was a family who had a baby tiger and were going to return it to it's mother.
I was at work and although I was doing the job I actually do in reality it was not at the same place and the arrangement of the work space was very different. I was sitting down with a customer and my boss and we were talking about something. There were some brochures around the table. It came to close time and I went into the change rooms with everyone else from work. I remember my locker was like a cliche style locker from a movie and I slammed it shut. Everyone from work was talking about the day and how happy we were the day was over and we can go out. My cousin also came into the change rooms. I was driving my car in a place near my house. I was looking for a car spot and decided the best place to park was in an alley away from the main shopping center. I got out of my car and felt a bit worried about where I had parked it but walked to the main stretch of shops. I met up with some Asian people who told me something about the parking and I think where I could park in a better spot so I decided to go back to my car and move it. On the way back to my car, the area turned into a forest and my friends joined me. We were now going to the Big Day Out but did not have tickets. We we going to enter the venue before security had arrived so we could just stay in the venue until the party started. We sat down near the edge of the forest which overlooked the main arena for the party. A security guard wearing blue arrived but did not question us he just stood close to us ready to start his shift. I decided to walk back where we had come from and I saw that the security had set themselves up with a tent and were making all patrons pass through to check tickets. I spoke to someone but they did not question why I had no ticket or how I had managed to get into venue area with out one. I walked down the hill to a stadium. All I remember about the final dream is a Vietnamese Omelet and I was eating it with a spoon.
I was driving down a road to a pub. I don't remember the journey but I was going to buy the pub. When I got there it was quite run down and under construction. There was quite a lot of business. I sat down and talked to someone. I was in a strange place overlooking a a hole in the ground. The hole was large and a perfect circle. My mum and some other people through a rope down the hole and we all started to climb down. When we go to the bottom we were in a tunnel and started walking down. We got to another hole going back up to the surface and this time we climbed up. When we got back to the surface I could see the hole was exactly the same as the first hole we climbed down, it was only a few hundred meters away. I was on a bridge with a friend who was crawling on the ground. There was a set of train tracks going through the middle of the bridge. There were many other people on the bridge and I couldn't see very far. A group of three people were ahead and playing around. They picked up some strange water-melon like fruit, I knew they were going to place the fruit on the train tracks. Me and my friend agreed they should be careful of the police who were also ahead. I had images of Thai police officers. One of the group grabbed the fruit ran up to the train tracks and jammed it quite hard onto the rails. The train came past but the melon did not get crushed and was OK. The train was being driven by a Thai police officer. I started explaining to my friend about a competition involving strange breeds of horses and mules. I had a name for them a "Reena". I looked into the distance and could see an arena with the strange horse like animal walking around. I explained to my friend that if you could successfully ride a half horse half mule then you win the "Reena" animal. I was watching a T.V which had footage of a father in a cave with his children. He was very upset and then got up and left. I was then in a helicopter with the police who were searching for him. The man on the run had left strange markers through out the bush-land that would shoot beams of light into the sky that were visible with the help of some glasses. The helicopter started to land at the nearest beams of light which were near a farmhouse.
I was just on the inside of large warehouse, there was a large chain link fence that was opening up. I was on the balcony looking over a sea side town, it was night time and I started to think of a night club near central train station I had been to and wanted to go to. The club doesn't actually exist, but the place in my dream does in reality. I thought of the people I'd met there before there, the entrance, and rooms and how much I wanted to go. I even double thought about it, thinking the place didn't exist. I walk out of my room and see my brother. He is putting on a balaclava and starts telling me about the racist he went up to and punched in the face. I'm waiting at the bus stop for a bus to go to the NYE celebrations. My family appear and a few buses go past, they do not stop for us. I think it is because they are full but actually they are empty. I get frustrated that the buses don't stop yet there are more and more people waiting for a bus. Finally a bus does stop, but by now there are too many people to fit on the bus and we can not go. Me and my family decide to take a taxi. The driver comes round the back and puts our bags in the boot. We get in the car and I sit next to my cousin he is talking to me but I don't know about what. I'm in my room and there is a spider in a boggle game popper thing. I pop the boggle and the spider shakes around but is not effected. There are then some air holes in the boggle and I start blowing into into it. The spider get's very annoyed and is getting violent. Another spider in a different boggle is now on my bed, but this one is very poisonous (a funnel web). The spider get's out and someone I don't know is trying to catch it into a long glass vase. They catch it and start trying to extract the venom with a long pipet.
I was in town where it was snowing. I was talking to a wall made of large stones. There was a head as part of the wall and when he spoke the surrounding stones would move. I was explaining the fee's and charges to him and then he said "I don't need to pay fee's and charges". I asked him "Why not". I don't remember his response.
I was driving down a familiar street near my home and many cars were over taking me. I tried to speed up but my car didn't have any power. Trucks and cars with trailers were overtaking me and it was beginning to annoy me. I looked at the meters on my car and saw I had no more petrol. I took a turn off and met a family friend who was by a cliff and jumping into the water. I don't remember if I did this or not, but I got back into my car and started driving again. I started looking for a station to fill my car up. From behind some buildings I could see a Caltex sign so started driving that way. As I got further down the street the road was blocked because there was a music festival and the road has turned into an entrance for it. There were many police and I was very worried because in the back of my car was a bag which had a pill. My car ran out of petrol and I have to get out. I was still very scared because I took the bag with my drugs with me and I was walking past a lot of police and sniffer dogs. I walked around looking for somewhere to hide or get away from the music festival but everywhere I went there was an entrance to the festival and I couldn't get away. I finally found a small alley between some buildings. I started walking down it and became worried again because some suspicious people were walking behind me. The alley turned into a small maze of alleys and I tried to get out of it as well as lose the people who I thought were suss. I finally managed to find an exit to the alleys but now I was inside the music festival. I wanted to leave and went up to security. I don't remember what was said, they wanted to search me. I walked away. There was a sign saying "hoodlums" with an arrow points. I followed the arrow and it led between two chain link fences. Someone was behind me and I knew they wanted to attack or mug me so i started running. There was another path that the other person took. His path joined up with my path further down and he turned on a bright spot light on me. Because it was dark I wasn't able to see further than the shine of the spot light. Imagine being on a brightly lit deck and your trying to look beyond the deck into the garden or whatever the deck looks over I had to stop running and then someone tackled me.