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    Memorable Dreams

    1. My lucid Dreams, Day 1

      by , 07-21-2010 at 05:31 AM
      Hello, i am new here, but i will write anyway. i have been lucidly dreaming for a whiloe now, and it is safe to say that i am a master on it. Before i start i will explain something i have found out.
      first off, when you dream, you make everything they way you want it to. You design the arcitecture, for example a simple house. It is your subconcious mind that poulates the house you made with people. ALL these people in your dream will be people you have once seen in your life. (even if you dont remember) the brain is a wonderful thing. EVERYTHING you see hear smell say taste experienc or do is recorded pixel (ecuse the expression) perfect into your brain. It is tucked away. So, before you go to sleep, you imagine a house. (for beginners) you subcoinsious mind will populate that house with people. For example, you mom or dad, or brother or sister. Everything you say to them and they way you interact with them is from your subconsios mind. You CAN however, change the outcome and manupulate the output of your mind. althoug you cannot contro;l someone being there, you may be able to erradicate then with a finger snap. Whn i dream lucidly, i bring a totem with me. >For example a top. i keep itin my pocket when i sleep. that way, if i spin the top and it spins forever or its not there, then i know im dreaming. no need to pinc yourself, ect... brin dsomething with you. i put it back into my pocekt, and then i look around... i see.. white. pERFECT. a canval. i will think up my world, an emplty world building houses cars smells, ect. then my subconsious mind will put people into it. i can then interact with it. your subconsious mind dosent like you to mess around with it, it is designed to defend itself. for exam[le, in one of my lucid dreams, i was trying to remember a password to an email account i have forgotten. i knew it was in my mind. So imagined a bank with a huge ass safe. that treiggered my brain to think, ok its a safe, lets put something in it. (prior to goint to sleep, i referenced my brain to my password) my subconsious mind put in the password. But it was locked. One of my friend used to be a safecraker (in RL) so i found him (dont ask me how, i dont even know) and he started cracking the safe. but guess what my subconsious mind did, it just randomly put on armed secutrity guards... thats when i come in and make a gun appere. Ya you got it., a gun battle, like in the movies. My friend finally gets the safe open, and i barely make it in there alive, i read it: yes it is my password. my brain tucled it away and i "forgot" it, but now i remembered it... then i get hit in the chest and die... thats when i wake up. When you die you wake up. that is my first day, and introduction according to what i have experienced. i will get into dreams within dreams with dreams (ect) later. (its relly cool, trust me)
      lucid , memorable