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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Indian Temple and Scotland

      by , 03-09-2014 at 01:39 PM
      I found myself on top of what seemed like an ancient Indian temple in the middle of a sprawling city. The stone had become a dark green with age. I could see further temples breaking through the clouds in the distance.

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      I kneeled down and placed my hands on a wall. The wall was gritty and it felt like I was running my hands along sandpaper. Which each and every stroke I could feel the vividness of the dream pumping up. I then planted my face into the wall and took a long sniff. It didn't smell like anything in particular but this mere action sent the vividness into overload.

      I stood up. I have never been in a dream that felt so real before. For brief moments I questioned my reality and I honestly thought that I was on top of a roof somewhere in India. Everything so was so clear that I could see the dust particles floating in front of my face.

      This new found reality scared me a little. I was stood on top of a temple with no way of getting down. I could fly but in the back of my mind this felt too real to try something as dangerous as that. I decided to spin on the spot and teleport to somewhere safer.

      I found myself in what I could only describe as Scotland. In fact there was a hiker with me who was singing something with a heavy Scottish accent. I ran towards some of the rocks to do the same as before but unfortunately I woke up.

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      Someone in my house slammed a door and it woke it me up. I honestly felt that that dream could of lasted hours! If only I had my ear plugs in.