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    Side Notes

    1. Three is the charm, apparantly....

      by , 04-08-2012 at 11:48 PM
      From my notepad posted this morning:

      Today was my third lucid I think, but this one was the most intense I had so far. The longest one too. It's Easter Sunday today and I've been pretty sick with a head cold the last few days. However, at around 11:20 am it happened. I was quite sick last night and was on medication while sleeping, which had probably started wearing off already when I had the dream.

      On waking up at about 11 I stated to myself that I wanted to have a lucid dream. Then I fell back to sleep almost instantly.

      First I had a normal dream, was kind of in an office building with the hubby waiting for something; to book a vacation or room or something. Not sure what it was that we were actually doing there, but there were a lot of other people there too. We had to sit at a table and wait our turn. When it was finally that it SHOULD have been our turn, the people who ran the office stopped working to have lunch. I was not happy about this, seeing how the office was now empty and we were the only ones who had not been helped. So I walked around, and sat at a different table talking to one of the people eating lunch in the next cubical over; they said I had to wait; it would be about an hour. Looking at the table after the conversation again, there was suddenly a key, and a new phone, with head set in two different packs that was not there before. I thought someone had forgotten it there. I took it and thought to perhaps let the staff know that if anyone lost a phone, we'd be around town for a few more days, they could let us know and we'd meet them to return it. I didn't trust the office staff; since they were not very helpful to us. Before I could decide on the phone or even show the Hubby the phone, he wanted to leave, since neither of us wanted to wait another hour. Then suddenly the scene shifted, he was not there anymore and I was outside.

      The next thing I know I'm stating to myself that I'm dreaming. This is odd, as my normal reality check while awake is "Am I dreaming" or "Is this a dream". Also oddly enough I had not done a reality check for a while in waking life because I had been sick; but I remembered it right then and there in the dream and perform my floating and levitation test. Normally I do it just by little gestures such as trying to float up somewhere and touch something that's just out of my reach, but since I was already thinking I was dreaming I did it a little more grand. I saw people in this outside clearing area and I decided I would run, jump and float over two people's heads and then land on the other side. The experiment was kind of shaky, but it did work. I took off, but didn't get very high, closed my eyes, said out loud that I wanted to float higher so I would not hit anyone and did manage that; but my landing was not quite where I wanted. Still it proved to me that indeed I was dreaming, as I can only do things like that when dreaming, never when awake. I then reminded myself to not get too exited, something I had read on this forum, as I had read that this can make the dreams shorter.

      I was actually outside for a lucid dream, something I had hoped to achieve since I first started working on achieving lucidity. So I took it slow.

      There was some kind of bridge or something in the dream scene. It was pretty big and made out of rock. Very pretty actually. What it covered I don't remember, but I know it was not water, so probably was the field/clearing outdoors where I was at. I do remember trying to get my floating/flying a bit up to speed. Was NOT too good at that though. Remember once bumping INTO the bridge - but not getting hurt. I was still saying things out loud to make them happen and this felt awkward and didn't really work all that well this time since I focusing on the float/fly at the same time. So I started just thinking what I wanted, and at times visualizing it while going along. This meant closing my eyes to make things change, which was also awkward and didn't help much either, as not all changes were those I wanted and my floating / flying left a lot left to be desired. It got really weird, as at one point there were FROGS on the bridge when I approached it, when I had expected nothing there, or perhaps flowers or plants there. So I closed my eyes, mid hover/float/fly and focused on green plants being there instead. The frogs went, but again I almost crashed just making that happen. So I figured, closing eyes not so good in lucid dreams if you are not firmly on the ground walking. Maybe it works for those who are actually good at flying yet, but for little bumbling me it didn't work well.

      I messed around with the bridge and the floating for a tiny bit more and then tried to get better at manifesting things in dreams. Frogs just were not what I wanted to experience, so I wanted to practice stuff a bit better. Seemed to me
      like the dream environment changes very easily on it's own, and things change there very quickly -- even randomly it seemed. Might have been the nyquil too though in retrospect.

      Not sure how I got to the next part of the dream, but I was somewhere else with someone else, a girl. I worked on trying to make things happen in the dream scene. In this case it was having flowers be in different places and growing. This was
      not as easy as it sounds since we were indoors this time. Again, I was using the whole closing eyes thing and it did not work at all, even with visualizing what I wanted to happen where. No flower. I know this time it was different than the food dream where I was walking around the corner to make something BE there when I got there. No I was just right there, not moving from place to place. I have a feeling the girl was trying to TEACH me and helping me figure it all out. No easy ways out this time, such as having doors or walking around to aid in my manifesting. There were only flower pots and dirt there; and a photo of the plant to be manifested as well as ones that the girl had manifested before me.

      After experimentation, one of the things that did work very well was actually manipulating time in the dream realms to make things happen. I had seen enough time lapse videos online, so I used that to actually make the flowers grow and
      prosper before my eyes. WITHOUT having to close my eyes or change positions this time. This was neat and I had no idea that that could be done. I did this a few times to get practice in it.

      Then I wanted to try to get roses there, red roses. The other plants were already around or there were pictures of them around, so they were easier to manifest and bring into reality. All of them were yellow, and yellow/whitish and they looked nothing like roses. Roses were no where in sight; so it would be a lot harder. The pots that were there were too small, I needed something larger to make a rose bush that was blooming. Trying again first to close my eyes and visually create a pot for them to grow in was not working. So I tried to merely create a small bowl out of nothing, which did work. Then using my thoughts and the dream realm's laws of creating things to make it bigger just by wanting it to be bigger. This was very odd but interesting enough it did actually worked. No clue how though.

      Sadly at this time the dream became odd and somewhat unstable. I may have gotten to exited at actually seeing all this cool stuff around me and actually making things appear out of thin air. Or maybe my logical mind made me analyze the impossibility of the situation too much. I started losing lucidity and control; but tried my best to hold on to it. The girl suddenly seemed much older, which I didn't notice when she changed over. She also turned the nice long flower pot I had managed to make into a canoe all of a sudden; saying we should use it to go somewhere. There were also two other people that she referred to which were nearby and around now too, that she named as those who should go with us. No clue how ANY of that happened; especially in less than 30 seconds while I was focusing on flower pots and roses and seeming like I had the hang of it.

      Then the dream changed again. Not sure if I tried to change it or if it just did because of the weirdness and loss of control factor. I might have simply walked off. My dream recall also went offline at this time. I found myself walking going up stairs or something, probably trying to go outside again. I noticed something small being off where the dream tried to imitate reality but caught on it it and knew I was still dreaming. That awareness stuff does work. So I tried to ignore that and keep going; to continue being lucid. It would have worked, but instead I woke up. It turned out that all my medicine had worn off and I was coughing with a runny nose laying in bed awake.

      In retrospect:

      For one I have a feeling that I caught on to the initial shift, the sudden change of dream between the office building and the outside grassy area with the people on it and the bridge in the background. Together with my statement to myself that I wanted to have a lucid dream before falling to sleep got me into a successful lucid dream; even being sick and on medicine.

      Sadly the medicine might have had an effect on things though, which might have sabotaged me there in the end and maybe even have had something to do with the frogs, and other sudden shifts in the dream scene. Since I have not had too many lucid dreams I have no idea if these shifts and oddities are normal or not. Or perhaps it was the fact that I was sick to begin with that caused problems, as the only reason I woke up was the fact that my throat was scratchy and I awoke to coughing.

      Floating is getting a little better, than in my first two lucid dreams I had but only when I go about it slow and methodical. All in all I'm still VERY clumsy with it as a mode of transportation. Flying is even worse. Not sure if this is because of lack of practice, not knowing what I need to be doing to make it work, or if it's because I have a fear of heights and falling and don't like going anywhere in fast speeds in real life. I'd love to eventually ask some other dreamers about this if it's normal or if that's because of my fears in waking life.

      Manifesting is getting much better, as long as I don't close my eyes when hovering and flying around. Using the time lapse technique helped a lot. More than I would have thought. Also learning that things can be created and changed before your eyes helps too, in a way this forced me to suspending the thought of impossibility in that matter. All in all it was odd that I thought of them out of the blue, because I never heard anyone mention these two techniques in the dream forums. I do know, learning to pay attention to subtle things is VERY helpful in lucid dreaming, so the techniques that make you pay attention to little things will be practiced much more by me over the next few weeks. I had an incredible amount of knowledge from my waking life, including knowing to stay calm, and that frogs on a bridge should not be there and a number of other things. This was not the case in my other two lucid dreams I had before; so I do think there is a degree of awareness that can be different from dream to dream. Control was a little harder though than in my first dream, but about as tricky as in my second one; but then again I was trying to make more things happen at once and they were a little harder than merely manifesting some food and eating it.

      I have also no idea how long I was lucid, but it felt like a nice long dream; not as short as the other two I had. This one may have lasted five to ten minutes, maybe even longer. Making it through a shift in dream scene was pretty impressive too, as in the other ones I never made it through a shift. I either woke up or I shifted and lost lucidity. This was also the one I felt I was the most lucid, remembering even little details from real life and ending up having the most control in the dream scene what I wanted to do. Still not perfect though, there is still more room for improvement.

      All in all I cannot believe that I actually created flowers. From scratch. THAT WAS WAY COOL. Though frog covered bridges.... well .... uhmm, no thanks. I'll blame that one on the yquil, which I'm quite sensitive to even hours after the fact. Can't wait to try more.

      HayaH ---

      PS: After reading more it seems I did a DEILD chaining method I did not even know existed. Way cool. Was also cool to find out that control is normally not easy for newbies and that I was not the only one walking around my dreams saying things I wanted to happen out loud before attempting them. I can tell I'm gonna have lots of fun with this once I get better at it.