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    The Purple Cape Man

    by , 06-18-2012 at 09:25 AM (516 Views)

    The Purple Cape Man
    We all have to have that one person you never see before in your life end up in a dream. Most of the time we don't remember them but i remember this character clearly.
    He wore a large black and purple cape, much like Dracula from those vampire movies with the long popped collar.
    He had long black hair and he looked pale, though not at all vampiric... he had an English accent.. from the UK.
    And what was weird is that he ended up in my Dream Mansion, i was wondering around and out of nowhere, he held me captive in my own kitchen explaining how he will destroy my House.
    He was obviously evil somewhat and hated me.
    That was just another dream fragment from The Dream Mansion dreams i had.

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