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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 12/19/12

      by , 12-19-2012 at 11:22 PM
      In my dream, I was on some kind of quest at Disneyland (a mixed up dream version of Disneyland), following clues. I was with three other people- two girls who were my friends in the dream, and one guy a bit older than us who worked at Disneyland. I remember finding a secret passage to a really cool hidden clubhouse (that for being underground seemed to have a lot of natural light?) The guy couldn't fit in the passage so he stayed behind. We eventually found this pretty garden with a lot of play structures like swings/slides and things to run around on. I said out loud, "I remember this!" And then I suddenly thought, No I don't! None of this makes sense! I must be dreaming! I then felt myself waking up (I thought) and I started rubbing my hands together like crazy. All I could see was darkness, and then I had a false awakening which led to another dream I don't really remember.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    2. 12/18/12

      by , 12-18-2012 at 11:22 PM
      1st dream-
      I was in a car by myself in the passenger seat and the car was moving. Some random woman grabbed the car before I crashed into something and swung it around. Then there was some guy driving me around. We stopped at a school and got out. He told me wait in some room. I heard sounds of a fight, someone said something about going outside. Then it was later and even though that guy had seemed nice, someone said he was a murderer. Actually there was some murder investigation at the school or something. I thought I could help, but no one wanted me to. I almost fell off the bleachers, but someone caught me.

      2nd dream(just before waking up)
      I was in the TV room curled up in the chair with my sketchbook. I vaguely remember someone asking me what I was going to draw or if I would draw something. I was using markers, but I messed up. I went to use the colorless blender to see if I could fix it, but suddenly the drawing was in colored pencils and I had just used a white colored pencil. The drawing had a lot of dark blue/purple and yellow. It was a scene of a city in a desert with a castle and maybe someone on a magic carpet? I got out some white-out even though by this time there wasn't a mistake, but I dropped it in the middle of the drawing. Weirdly there was a deep voice telling me a story. The drop of white moved around, getting bigger, forming into a small castle made of light. Then I woke up.