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    1. Should I Go Naked?

      by , 04-06-2012 at 07:03 AM
      Key: Non-Dream | Regular Dream | Semi-Lucid | Lucid

      This dream was somewhat of a fragment, but I'll write down what I remember.

      I'm in my house and I'm looking out of the window by my front door. As I look out the window I think about whether to go outside naked or not. I really want to go outside naked, but I'm scared of getting in trouble. (You know, like someone calling the cops.)

      I almost decide to just open my front door and step onto my porch naked, but then I realize I have to go into my backyard. Apparently some type of natural disaster is about to happen and I have to get something from my shed. I don't won't to be naked in my backyard because then my friend, who lives in the house behind me, would see me naked. I start walking to my shed fully clothed, thinking I should get naked after I get what I need.

      That's all I remember from last night, weird huh? Maybe this means I have some deep dark desire to have others see me naked. I really hope it isn't that.

      Updated 04-06-2012 at 07:04 AM by 51956 (Spelling)

      non-lucid , dream fragment