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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Making out, and "Straight-Leg Disease"?

      by , 07-21-2011 at 06:46 PM (Dream Journal)
      One of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. When I woke up from this dream, I wrote a VERY extensive entry into my hand-written DJ so I wouldn't forget ANYTHING.

      My girlfriend and I break up. We aren't currently anywhere, all I can see is my phone. Eden (my girlfriend) sends me a text saying "Hey, I think we should break up, it's just not working." I send back, "We should meet at the school and talk about this."
      Eden and I are texting each other, even though we're sitting right next to one another. This is something we have done in real life, when we first started dating. It's unclear to me what the texts say. We're sitting in the school atrium on a 3 level bench, which is absolutely NOTHING like the school I actually go to.

      The ground and walls are made up of very gritty, very dark, and very smooth marble. The darkness of it, almost seemed to suck in 90% of the light that was pouring in from the ceiling windows and the doors. It made the room very dark and gloomy, which brought my mood down a bit. Although my girlfriend just dumped me, I'm still quite normal. I'm not sad and I'm not happy, but I'm somewhere in-between. So, me and Eden are texting, and I don't know if it was the text, or the school, but I suddenly become Lucid. I performed a reality check, plugged my nose, and stopped there. It was the first successful reality check I'd had all night that didn't wake me up or change the dream dramatically. Needless to say, I. Was. Ecstatic. So my phone disappears, and I start talking to Eden.

      I don't remember what we talked about, but it lead to us making out on the bench. This was no surprise, because me and Eden have made out in public before. By now, a few people have come and gone. They talked to us about "Straight-Leg Disease" which I have no idea where that came from, but it's in my dream...so it must be significant somehow? Anyways, things are heating up quite nicely between me and her, and then her friend Beatrice walks into the room. She's wearing black spandex shorts which don't cover enough of her legs, and a shirt that has a see-through netting in front, and black cloth covering her sides and back. You could easily see her breasts, although they looked like man-boobs. She was fairly overweight. Beatrice says she has straight-leg disease and that it's horrible.

      Eden tells her that she and I have talked to a few boys who had straight-leg disease, and Beatrice yells, "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! The way you get straight-leg disease from being punched in the butt!" I remember questioning the sexuality of the guys that had come and gone. I tried to kiss Eden, but she took my phone from me and went into the bathroom with her friend. (Straight-leg disease makes it very difficult and very painful to urinate, in my dream. I don't know if it's a real thing or not.) I went into the men's bathroom and the first thing I noticed was that it was very high tech. I walked into the urinal, and it was very disgusting.

      There was pee on the ground, and I was in my socks. I sleep with my socks on, and usually go to the bathroom as soon as I wake up, so I think that's why I was in my socks. I had trouble with the lock, it seemed to take a lot of effort to get it to slide and lock. I eventually got it, and proceeded to do my business, trying to figure out all the different buttons. When I got done, the toilet flushed itself. I had no trouble with the lock as I went out, and washed my hands. The water felt like my blanket that I lay over my comforter. This makes me wonder if I actually did the motions of washing my hands in my blanket. From here,
      I lost all lucidity for the rest of the dream. I went to look under the stalls (habit of mine, to make sure rapists aren't hiding, however I usually look before I do my business.) and somehow I could see through the stalls. Only when I bent down, though.

      I could see some Mexicans at the end stall, one was just sitting on the toilet. He came out and washed his hands in the sink next to me. I squinted my eyes and with a raspy Spanish accent, said "Sup esse." and nodded my head. He laughed and said "Hey." and I left the bathroom. When I went back to the bench, Eden wasn't there. Instead, 4 or 5 celebrities were there, talking on their cell phones and looking at clothing. One of them had my phone, and gave it to me, which was vibrating. I woke up to my phone vibrating, my friend had texted me.

      School Atrium:

      Men's Bathroom:

      Updated 07-21-2011 at 10:59 PM by 48550 (Fix pictures and categorize it.)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. My first Lucid Dream.

      by , 07-20-2011 at 11:42 PM (Dream Journal)
      I had this dream last night, before I even knew about Lucid Dreaming...I'd heard about it from my friend, who I'll call M. M said that he was trying to control his dreams, and that he was getting better at it every day. I thought he was crazy, until I had this dream.

      A little background before we start, or the dream won't really make sense to anyone but me. My brother, G, has moved away to Alaska. He's 18. He's in Alaska working for Peter Pan Seafoods, as a conveyor belt worker. My other brother, B, is addicted to black tar heroin. A truck that G owns was left at our house, and B thinks that it's his and that he can drive it anywhere he wants. I hate him with a passion. He's trashing it.

      Now the dream:
      I fell asleep, and everything was normal. I don't normally dream, but tonight I did. I started out at my house, B was taking the truck everywhere, and I told him he needed to stop, and tried to keep him from doing it in some really ridiculous and impossible ways. I suddenly stopped and realized I was dreaming. One of the things I want most right now is for G to come home, and then he did! He helped me get B to stop driving the truck, then that night we stole B's car, and we go to a skate park. The skate park is the bowl one off of GTA IV, frequent players will know which one I'm talking about. Nobody was skating and it was boring, so we meet our friends, D and Ga, and we go to a golf course. Then, suddenly it's like I'm playing an RTS/Dota game, and I can see a mini map, and I can see that my house is being attacked (party) and then I can see me, G, Ga, and D all naked (our friends like to get naked and sit around fires..or just get naked and chill) and it's like I'm seeing it from a satellite zoomed in, and Ga is freaking out about it, he's self conscious (3/5ths japanese, lol) and so we all leave. Me and my brother, G, say goodbye to D and Ga and we part ways. Me and G go home and we realize we left the truck at the skate park (even though we stole B's car) so I wait on the street a couple houses from my house, it's very dark. G pulls up in the truck, and a girl gets out and runs away from him. G is just...idk what he was, he was acting so weird, like he was a zombie. Me and him start fighting about the girl, I told him it's sick that he would pick her up and scare her away like that. We start fighting REALLY bad, he ties me up to the telephone pole outside of our house, and starts making me twirl flaming sticks. Then I smack him with the fiery end of the stick and I get away from him, and then I suddenly have super strength and I'm chasing him and beating him, and he runs into the house, and I'm right behind him, he runs through the house and in his room, into his closet. I run in and see that he's in his closet and that it's open, so I shoved the door into him and step away in case he tries to shove it back, and he comes out looking at me kind of sad, and really confused, and he's holding a piece of paper. He walks up to me and shows it to me, and before I can see what's on it, I wake up.

      I didn't have any control over this dream, but through the whole thing, I had a conscious mind that I was in a dream. I woke up and texted M and told him that I just had the craziest dream, and then I wrote it down. So I took some notes on what I could remember, the important parts, that would make me remember the whole thing, and researched Lucid Dreaming...and that is how my day went.
      lucid , memorable