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    Surrogate #3

    by , 08-27-2022 at 02:41 AM (227 Views)
    Here's (one of) my dream(s) from last night.

    Random, chaotic dream activity last night, no hint of lucidity yet. Maybe worth noting that I had a successful (if short) period of meditation prior to sleep last night. Wonder how long it’s been since that happened.

    The most memorable sequence (or at least the most remembered), started with me dreaming I was someone else. I was the apartment dweller whom I’d later identify as a surrogate Lula, walking through halls in a rush to get home. I had a Sony Discman, through whose headphones I was hearing reports that police were searching people’s apartments for guns, owing to the riots going on outside. The Discman sat on my hip, against the below the knee beige skirt I wore.

    Think “riot” is probably even a bit strong. Would become Armageddon later, but in the beginning, think it was just a minor disturbance. Anyway, I was in a rush to get home, as there was a gun in my apartment, my boyfriend’s gun. I entered the elevator that would take me to my floor, and was quickly joined by two dreamstrangers. Seems one was an older woman, I can’t recall anything about the other.

    At some point during the elevator ride, the dream switched to me being me again. This must have happened during the elevator ride, as I realized I had no idea which apartment I was looking for. When the elevator came to a stop, all three of us disembarked, on a floor with (thankfully) only three apartments. One near the elevator, the other two at the end of a short dead end hall. Everything (walls, floors, apartment doors) was very white, made even whiter by fluorescent lighting. I walked slowly, stalling to see which apartments my elevator companions went to. One keyed themselves into the apartment near the elevator, the other entered the apartment on the left hand end of the hall. Reaching in my pocket, I found I had a door key, but I think as soon as I touched the door to the third apartment it began to swing open.

    The apartment looked to have only one room, dominated by a huge bed. Facing it from the door, the headboard was on my left hand, the foot on my right. A large window was directly opposite the door, letting in the night sky. I immediately noticed the messiness, the disorganization. Not like garbage or anything, but piles of clothes heaped on the floor, and a chest of drawers behind the bed, running the full length of the headboard, with drawers open and spilling their contents. The bed itself was in similar disarray…There was a bunched-up quilt-like comforter, and more piles of clothes.

    As I stood in the threshold, I saw out of the corner of my eye a large black dog trotting down the hallway toward me. It was the size of a full grown lab, though not a lab, probably a mongrel. While I stood there, trying to decide whether or not I should enter the apartment quickly so as to shut the dog out, it angled beside me, not showing any interest toward me, and crossed into the room. Its easy entrance convinced me the dog lived here. I followed, and closed the door behind me.

    Once inside, I saw there were two more dogs. These were also solid black, but much smaller. The first dogs pups, I assumed. Not puppies, they were larger than that…Maybe half way to maturity. I realized they had been shut up in the apartment all day, and thought I’d need to take them out to do their business. I saw a tangle of collars and leashes on the floor, but wondered how I could manage with three dogs. I also realized I had nothing with which to pick up their waste.

    Finding the gun took precedence over walking the dogs though. I climbed onto the bed, and began feeling around in the drawers. A light wave of anxiety hit me. I wanted to finish and be gone before the boyfriend got home. I didn’t have a plan for what to do with the gun, I just felt it was important to get it out of the apartment before the police arrived to search.

    The only drawers in the chest which were accessible were the top two. All the others were blocked by the headboard. These two drawers were filled with a profusion of small items of clothing, and random objects. Though I dug around in the top drawer, I felt as though I would find no gun there. I turned and saw the two smaller dogs looking at me, the mother had laid down. I was suddenly on the floor. Having my attention, one of the two smaller dogs began approaching me…It’s eyes were so worried and sorrowful, I decided to abandon the search for the gun and take them all outside after all.

    Outside, the disturbance had become Armageddon. I saw myself in third person, in a grassy, sloping area with tall apartment buildings all around. There were people milling about everywhere, most armed, and fires. Enough fires that everything was cast in an orange glow, enough fires to cause the sky to flicker orange, red, and yellow. Despite the violence of the scene, the dream had no nightmare quality to it.

    I’m as sure as I can be that it was a straight jump from deciding to walk the dogs to the third person view of myself amidst Armageddon. No memory of what happened in between…No memory, because I don’t believe I actually dreamed of anything in between. I was just there. In the undreamed in between, I had been with the surrogate Lula who lived in the apartment. This was simply understood. She had given me the gun. I saw myself in profile, maybe twenty yards distant from my point of view, holding the gun at my side on the Armageddon plain.

    In the apartment, I had been searching for a handgun. Turns out the gun was actually a pistol grip shotgun. Though I was idle during the majority of the Armageddon plain scene, at one point my point of view changed. Still third person, I was behind myself now, watching as I fired the gun at beasts descending from the fiery sky. They were like very small dragons, or pterodactyls, about a dozen in number.

    Another jump, and I was back in the apartment with the surrogate Lula. We had become lovers, and were lying together in bed. I know the status of her boyfriend figured into the dream, but I have no recollection of it now. We realized we had left the dogs outside. The pile of collars and leashes was still in the same place on the floor as it was before.

    Another jump, and the surrogate Lula and I sat facing one another on the bed. She was folding clothes and crying gently. She talked about how she had never expected to find this, with me, and how monstrous it was that the finding only occurred on the eve of the end of the world.

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    Updated 07-17-2023 at 05:40 PM by 99463

