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    1. Finn bloody watt

      by , 02-09-2013 at 06:42 PM
      Hey there, 4th dream, not chronological just 4th I re-called in the morning.

      Remember being in a dream with Finn Watt topless as if we were pretend-wrestling - I vaguely remember seeing Gordan Mullan, friend of mine being in the room too. Me and Finn were grappling having a laugh about who is stronger - I think I tried to grab him by the shoulders and he managed to get under my arms and lift me up in the arm with ease.

      People behind us, Gordan I think, were laughing and were amazed by the act. I started making excuses saying I'd lost muscle as I hadn't been at the gym recently. After this, boosted by the insult of being laughed about I pushed Finn over into a couch that looked a lot like my girlfriends (and the room felt like her living room too) and held him down, restraining him in which he seemed to find funny.

      Now I seemed to of skipped in my dream, perhaps forgot what happened however I'm convinced it was still the same dream - we were all playing a game, me, Finn, a friend named Rob and my older brother. Game was DayZ.

      Now, I had to for some reason head to an airfield named Balota, part of the game, to perhaps meet up with them?

      Upon travelling there, I came across the runway towards some buildings I recognized from out of dream experiences and then I seen a massive plane crash, 4 engines, possibly a andromada out of GTA:SA. Brothers then said on the microphone that it was an attempt at scaring me - all's okay.

      However I wanted to get my own back; I hid behind the building that I finally reached and was looking around - I progressed into the forest North of these buildings and looked on at them - I then threw a grenade.

      They reacted worried I think - I moved back towards the building and laid in the grass in my ghillie suit.

      I watched Finn come around the side of the building, he was turning and then had his back to me. I aimed up at him, he turned so I got worried and starting shooting and missed. I claimed it was a joke, it was only a pistol I had after all however in my mind I knew I did want to hit him.

      I moved back towards the trees and Finn started shooting. I began firing back actually letting him know I was annoyed at him because he had a sniper rifle that would kill me in one shot (yet I kept referring to it as a fully automatic rifle?) - one of our friends Rob and my brother James had a go at me, even with me trying to justify myself.

      I then managed to land a shot into him and seen the character both drop and the messaged saying he had been killed appear.

      I cannot really remember their reactions (think they were cool about it), however the dream is blank/not re-callable after that.

      Happy with the outcome of my re-call though.
    2. Dragonball Ball Paranoia!

      by , 02-09-2013 at 06:29 PM
      Didn't really know what to call this dream!

      I was playing Dragonball Z I think, not sure which variation of it though on my brother's TV in his room. Don't think I was actually playing with him though.

      I might of skipped/failed to re-call the bit in-between but I remember being on the same couch looking at my phone wondering when my girlfriend was going to get home, possibly even paranoid she was hiding something? Even so, I waited and considering ringing her friend to check if she was with her, however as I was contemplating that idea she showed up, sat on the couch with me and we had a chat, no idea what was said but the dream is blank from there on.

      Short, but still the third dream to be re-called from one night!!

      Happy dude.
    3. Unknown Journey

      by , 02-09-2013 at 06:24 PM
      Another partial dream re-call...

      Here goes:

      I dreamt about my girlfriend, Charis in a car (which I think wasn't her one) with a few other people, or perhaps one, on my estate. She told Seb our friend to grab his motorbike and follow them (he doesn't have one... lucid chance missed!) - I then suggested I'd go on mine and follow suite (funny enough, I've been obsessed with my motorbike recently and have been choosing it over any form of travel recently... must of passed through!).

      They started heading off in the car, and Seb followed the estate around to my house (cannot remember how we both got there), I then was searching frantically in my house for something while Seb waited outside on his bike (KTM duke or MH supermotard, bright orange) - I was paranoid he'd leave without me.

      When I finally located what I wanted, I took a look outside my first floor thin window and seen him pulling away. Cannot remember how but I was suddenly on my bike (well, my dad's one) heading out of my estate, I looked out to the distance, possibly 100m down the road, over some hedges and seen Seb riding away.

      I followed the road he was on, I vaguely remember some sort of farm vehicle on the same road and I also remember pulling out of this road I once had a crash on in my car.

      After that I can't really remember what happened.

      Either way just happy I've began re-calling a fair amount of dreams after only a day or so entering in my journal once more.
    4. Soap stars

      by , 02-09-2013 at 04:36 PM
      Had an unusual dream to say at the least last night - however re-called 4 which is much better than my usual ability to re-call only a single dream!!

      Here goes:

      I had a dream involving Ian Beale (from Eastenders), a man named Sean (who I work with) and one or two other males I cannot seem to fully re-call being there, but just have a hunch that they were.

      We were in a house with an archway I think, however it never felt like an actual specific place that I knew - my re-call of locations isn't very good anyhow. I remember them both either in either little clothing, or something that signified they were being homosexual together (even though they are both straight in real life). I never felt like I was there, more so that I was watching it all from a third person perspective, almost like a TV program.

      I think they were having a laugh together, talking about how bad or naughty it was, the stuff they were doing, when out of nowhere Gale (from Coronation street?) walked in and interrupts there conversations, much to my surprise (as an onlooker) as well as Sean and Ian's. Gale seems disappointed.

      I believe a skinny version of Sean (same DC though) claimed that nothing had gone on, however he seemed very drunk - following that he laughed and then said 'only a bit of sucking off', at which point I remember someone running out (my viewpoint being 30 metres away) of a marquee, like one of out LOTR fellowship.

      Then Gale and some others (no idea who they are but I can scarcely re-call others being with her) walk through the house and look at this cot/twinned bed thing on the way out in which Tina (another soap star) and someone else are in, also in a homosexual manor with pajamas on having a laugh together.

      Cot/bed thing was wide with a parting in the middle, hence the twinned comment but can barely re-call exactly what the details were.

      Cannot remember if there was any dialogue, however shortly after this scene I've lost re-call, or the dream might of ended - either way, end of the dream for us!

      Weird dream, I know - not something I usually dream of and I'd certainly say watching soaps with my girlfriend the night before definitely had an influence!
    5. FILD Lucid, first experience.

      by , 02-08-2013 at 09:45 AM
      Last night, getting into bed I had the intention to do a FILD.

      I however didn't want to wake up my girlfriend with an alarm to do the WBTB prior to it - therefore I tried auto-suggestion and hoped for the best.

      What do I know... I woke up!! However failed to take the chance and went back to bed (this was around 3am).

      Following this I woke up again at like 5 or 6 I suppose and this time, I rolled back over but kept thinking of subtle things, not ever performing the technique but felt the vibrations of sleep paralysis setting in - seen a few flashes or somewhat in my eyelids too.

      Then, I can't really remember how but I did a reality check and was breathing through my nose!!

      Following this, I tried envisioning my room or something else as I wasn't too comfortable beginning the dream in my girlfriends room - however I was placed in some other room, can't remember the transition

      I vaguely remember the dream, I can remember using telekinesis to rip some window blinds off (can't really remember why) and I do remember jumping out a window and feeling the landing a fair bit.

      I just remember doing some lucid-type acts however I cannot comprehend if I was lucid, semi-lucid or just dreaming of being lucid.

      I couldn't note down details after I woke up as I would of woke my girlfriend up - plus my re-call is pretty bad anyhow.

      Updated 04-28-2013 at 05:59 PM by 59053
