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    Online scams.

    by , 03-24-2011 at 07:59 AM (595 Views)
    I only remembered one dream which was slightly vivid.

    So, in the dream, some friend of mine got (heavily) scammed when he bought a water heater online (btw, my dad bought one IRL last Saturday, online indeed). I wanted to check up if the site would scam me if I just went on it. Upon entering the site, a nice page displaying of all the products, but a pop-up (from my browser, Chrome, which I downloaded last night) warns me the site's somehow "analyzing" my computer. It shows: "Risk: DEADLY" in red. I stop the analysis but one relaunchs. I try a few times but it's still the same result. I manage to shut off my computer, but when it closes all my applications, I can see that ALL of my data (address, password, username, real name, etc) was transferred to the scam-site. I then woke up.

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