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    Fear of Waking Up

    by , 01-12-2012 at 09:19 AM (368 Views)
    I've recently begun attempting to lucid dream and I've yet to succeed for more than a few seconds but my dream recall has been steadily improving. For my entire life I've struggled to get out of bed in the morning and recently this struggle has been playing itself out in the form of false awakenings.

    A couple weeks ago I awoke in my girlfriends bed, despite being a couple hundred miles away, to the sound of my alarm clock. It didn't strike me as odd that my girlfriend was nowhere to be found and I rolled over to hit the snooze button... nothing happened. Next I tried turning off the alarm completely and still the alarm kept going off. Frustrated and confused I ripped the plug out of the wall to shut the thing up so I could go back to bed in peace but even that didn't work. Furious I took the alarm clock and smashed it on the ground breaking it into as many pieces as possible... but somehow the alarm continued to go off. I got so frustrated I gave up my attempt at going back to sleep and haunted by my alarm I grabbed some clothes and went into town to grab a cup of coffee. The entire walk my alarm still haunted me. My dream began to get a little more fuzzy as I continued on and for some reason began talking to a police office for a reason which I can't recall. The last thing I remember is realizing that I must be dreaming and decided to fly away from the sound of the alarm. Suddenly I (actually) woke up to the sound of my alarm, looked at my clock, and realized that I had just slept through my alarm going off for 20 minutes.

    This afternoon I took a nap before going to work and once again had a false awakening. I was woken up by the sound of my garage door opening and my dad coming home from work early. He came in to my room and offered me a ride to work since I had to be there in 15 minutes (not enough time to walk) but when I went to respond my throat tightened up and I lost my voice. I then almost vomited (I have acid reflux so stomach pain in the morning is common) and developed an excruciating headache (also common for me in mornings for a reason I'm not sure of). I felt horrible and laid there in bed for a while contemplating how I could miss work but decided since it would be my last shift for a couple months I could get away with skipping it. I then somehow ended up in a local coffee shop waiting for my coffee to come out of a tube but the cups of coffee had gotten stuck (I really don't understand how in the hell my cup of coffee was coming out of a tube). I then realized I was actually at work, working at the coffee shop, and it was my job to fix the tube. They then made me sweep because I couldn't fix it. I then (actually) woke up, freaked out because I thought I had overslept, and looked at my clock to realize I had over an hour till I had to be at work. Though I was a little disappointed my dad hadn't actually come home which meant I had to walk to work.

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