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    1. A trip to China

      by , 08-22-2013 at 01:47 AM
      (Before I write my DJ, I want to say that I've never been to China :-) )

      When I came to myself, I was in a strange place looks like a farm. There were full bunch of hay on the floor, and when I try to absorb in the circumstance, there was information about present.
      It was a program in universtiy to visit China and seeing inside.
      (It seems like I and my brain didn't have enough imagination to make concrete reason why I'm in the country I've never expected and the program I've never do.
      Maybe there is a traffic error in my brainhttp://www.dreamviews.com/images/smilies/grin.gif)

      As time goes by, there were more informations of that place.(flowing into my mind, I suppose)
      We're staying in some kind of hotel now, but there was not much time to unpack our luggages so we just put them in the hotel room.
      (The thing is, when my mind reached to the word 'hotel room', I could see images of that room, still it looks like a hostel I saw in the picture of my friend.
      But I accepted it is 'a hotel'.
      There was a room and a double deck bed. Like this.

      ( W i n d o w )
      (wall luggages bed )
      ( )
      ( My view )

      In a short while of seeing the image, I thought, 'oh, it's so narrow. the only space left is between luggages and bed.'

      And I knew that it is sth like a place for cats. Like a cafe for cats and their owners.
      We(I and my friends) entered inside, then there were crows flying over us so we need to bow our head and went through the place.
      Before we left the place, I saw cats and kittens rolling on the hay with closed eyes.
      Also I saw one of their owners rolling with their cats.

      --------------------------my god I can't believe It took so much time writing DJ with computer and english! I've been drawing and scribbling few keywords about dream so I didn't know it took so long to write full version! It's amazing how all of you in DV write DJ(most of them will be longer than mine!) without volatilization!----------------------------------

      We took cars by 3 people in one car, and moved to our hotel.
      When we got out the car, suddenly, there was a luggage next to my seat. I knew it's mine right after I get out the car.
      We tried to buy sth to eat, so I pull my wallet, then I realized, it was in the luggage. So I searched for it. Cars look so simple and similar with each other so It took long time(or I felt it was a long time.) but I failed to find it and I just drag few euros(I think this was my dream sign. In China, with euros, why on earth I didn't realize????) and followed my friends.
      We entered the store to buy some food or drinks. However, I found sth and I felt I really need to buy that one, so I took all my euros to buy that thing.
      (As you can imagine, I can't remember what it was.http://www.dreamviews.com/images/smilies/eek2.gif)
      After few hour? maybe jsut before I woke up, I realized the wallet is in my bag I've been carrying in whole dream.
      non-lucid , memorable