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    1. 1st recorded dream

      by , 09-18-2010 at 11:03 PM
      I've stopped smoking recently and its made me have lucid dreams for the last 2 months, I need to record them because I think there is more to them then just a random sequence of thoughts in my subconscious mind. What, why, where and how - I don't know but I think its deeper than that for me.

      I keep dreaming about oceans or lakes or swimming pools. I had one yesterday in which I swam, I never dream of swimming maybe its because I don't know how to in real life. I've dreamt I've drowned a few times before....but what surprises me I always thought someone in the situation would panic. I seem so calm in these but I feel like I am calling for help and no voice comes out of my mouth. And then I cant breathe.

      Most of my dreams are nonsensical pieces of my life sown together in non sequential almost nonsensical pieces. After all whose dreams are not?