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    my first lucid dream

    by , 06-19-2011 at 05:17 PM (384 Views)
    the first time i ever had a lucid dream, it was through the DILD method, i was on my way to school, and my cousin approaches me, and tells me he wants to introduce me to a group of people. they turn out to be a cult following an old prophecy: an individual will be sent to the moon, and destroy it. this individual would gain the power to control the universe around him, a sort of lucid dreaming technique existing in reality. (keep in mind that this was a dream, so fulfilling this prphecy would mean attaining lucid dreaming) this group means to use me to destroy the world. causing the extinction of life. I agree to destroy the moon (with my own intentions in mind) i destroy the moon with thier weapons, and in the moments after the debris from the moon clears, i look around, and the positions of all the stars and planets are off. i feel fear at first, but then i began to realize i was dreaming, and did the levitation reality check to prove it. after more experimenting, i woke up. so thats my first lucid dream.

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