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    WILD attempt turned to a DILD

    by , 11-14-2013 at 07:58 PM (321 Views)
    I was using King Yoshi's Wild Guide but i failed., but I shall never give up.
    So I decided to just go to sleep.
    I don't remember how but somehow I became Lucid in my dream.
    I looked out my window and saw one of my girl classmates in high school and the other two, I don't know.
    They were dressed ready to go to prom night or something.
    Was talking to them (forgot the topic) got bored and went into my brothers room.
    For some reason, sometimes my reality checks, in my dream, won't work when I'm taking to my brother.
    Did a couple of reality checks to make sure that I was still dreaming. Bingo, I was dreaming.
    Then it occurred to me that if this is a dream, then I can summon anything I want.
    I made sure that only my brother was in the room and then I went out.
    I repeated this phrase to myself "Behind this door is (girl classmates name)" two to three times.
    When I looked inside the room, There my brother was sitting on the bed playing games.
    But next to him was my girl classmate.
    I took her to the bathroom.
    We were about to do it but then I woke up.
    Got too excited.

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    lucid , dream fragment
