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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Cherry Hospital Bed and the Ford Threat Incident

      by , 05-26-2014 at 11:29 AM
      I've gone to visit my mother. She's working as a nurse at a hospital, and I can't go back to see her where the patients are, so I'm in the waiting room. I look over and see a large four-post bed in a corner next to some double doors. It's made of some very nice cherry. I hear a man explaining to passers-by that it's what hospital beds used to look like, and he demonstrates how the surface can tilt, and the built-in traction assembly for broken legs. He seems to be a meausium tour guide type person. I walk over to take a closer look, and realize that the man is Norm Abram. We shake hands, he explains how he built the bed and I explain how he got me interested in woodworking over 20 years ago with his TV show. When my mother finally gets a chance to take a break and come out to the waiting area to see me, I'm beaming with excitement as I relate my experience.

      I'm driving home through a small town. I see someone important like a senator a little ways ahead, and see his secret service detail fanned out around him as they move. Somehow now we're all walking on foot. We seem to be headed in the same direction, so I take the opportunity to watch them. Our path leads us away from the main street of the town until I realize that there's almost no one else around. I notice that one of the agents has his pistol in his hand. I shout "gun!" since I don't see any other threat and the agent is looking at his principle. The other agents rush the senator away, and I'm left facing a very angry Harrison Ford, gun still in hand, demanding an explanation. As I try to explain that he's the one that looked like a threat to me, he doesn't get less angry.
      non-lucid , memorable