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    Lucid Dreams

    1. The Boy And Girl

      by , 01-06-2012 at 08:27 AM
      it was like entering a friends house somewhere you've been a thousand times you're not afraid of being there though you always have some small thred of reservations about having to stay there, its a little out of your comfort zone but still curiosity involves, it started as me realizing "well im here, i need to stay here, theres something good about this place, and something familiar and devestating all at the same moment" first i was introduced to this girl, i think blond girl age around ???well younger than me but not by much...there was something familiar and well having to say intimate about being so close to her again...she needed my help but she never spoke, it was almost like a sixth sense picking up on it, i had to help her, i knew about 50% that i was in a state of dreaming, this wasnt my most lucid dream but it was the most recent, so all in all the dream shifted to a very extravagant state where there was enemies all around but not seen, all i knew is if i save this girl, if i protect her, it will bring me what i was looking for, "in a sense i dont even know what that en tales so i went to a point of exhaustion doing random things that made all the sense in the LD but in retrospect it was a very abstract lucid dream and at every turn she became more apparent to me it felt as if we knew each other from long and long ago back when all life was just a mystery to uncover and we did it together from childhood we knew each other she was there in every great moment of my younger life, i was so blindly determined to be next to this Memorabilia from childhood it was like a calling i remember thinking i cant leave now, not not...just then i had succsesfully hounded off the intruders and turned to look at her being taken off by a boy, a boy i didnt recognize she looked almost sad in her eyes but a sense of familiarity towards the boy i knew she knew him and was half sure she'd be fine but it was like a voice saying its not your time, not now...i was so frustrated by all this i wanted to leave, to leave and forget all this, before i woke into conscience i clearly heard a sweet goodbye from this ghost of a friend that i mabey once thought i knew in a past i may have never had......
      lucid , memorable