• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. My first DILD!

      by , 05-11-2012 at 01:44 PM
      My first DILD after joining DV! Today I realized that whenever I had a LD I felt my body sleeping and after a while I concentrated on it and eventually woke up. After reading your tips to feel the dream body and not your physical body, I did exactly that.
      I slept around 16:00. Sometime near 17:30 I had a dream I don't remember how it started but at some point I realised it was a dream. l didn't perform a RC. I just felt my body sleeping. Then I rubbed my fingers together to feel my dream body and started flying while closing my eyes to feel the air. That REALLY helped. I instantly forgot my physical body. I wanted to test my super powers so I shape shifted to superman and changed the dream world to a huge warehouse. I flew and smashed steel walls. I even summoned my mother to teach her how to shape shift to wonder woman. I first did it my self to show her but she failed to do it correctly. She acted like she was mindless. Then I woke up cause my phone rang... Time was 17:40.
      From a scale 1 to 10 of lucidity, it started with a 9 when I started feeling my dream body and then dropped to a 4 when I concentrated on my powers. Nice dream tho!