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    Day #2- things look promising but after advice

    by , 09-11-2011 at 12:08 PM (324 Views)
    Day #2- things look promising but after advice
    Obviously I'm new so I'm not expecting to be lucid dreaming within 2 days after joining.

    night #1- I managed to achieve a lucid dream for 2 seconds before I woke up. It was a boring setting, actually it was just a blank space, but hey I was in it and dreaming it!

    Night #2- I ended up having a dream about "trying to lucid dream" it was actually kind of weird, it was a very long dream, (about 2 hours, is that long?) and I ended up in a place I haven't been since I was 4 years old. All throughout the dream I was talking about lucid dreaming and trying to figure out how to do it while exploring the place and meeting family members I haven't seen in years.

    Usually I don't even remember dreams unless they are vivid, It seems that just a conscious recognition to remember them has worked for 2 nights in a row, although I nearly forgot one of my dreams, the only reason I remembered it is that I remembered a vague detail and slowly built on that- and that was the big dream I mentioned above.

    Should I have done something to make me realise I was in a dream?
    Can anyone point me in the best direction to get started, I know there are alot of methods, hopefully what I've written will be an indicator of what path I should take.


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