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    1. that severed head is cursed

      by , 12-27-2015 at 07:58 PM
      in the war zone, perhaps more recent one in Afghanistan
      a group of soldiers found a severed female head
      they took the head as a prize
      they died one by one
      the last two remained soldiers decided to find two labours to dump the head and bury the head under ground
      the ground was muddy
      Sometime later (after the soldiers were gone), someone found the head again while digging underground
      the dead eyes looked as if it were looking directly into their souls
      so they ran
      at some point later, a kid was inside the compound, inside of the house
      and the ghost of that severed head was above him whom was lying on his bed
      he was about to get woopydydoo!
      then all of sudden
      i was in another dream room in a more futuristic world.
      all of the severed head were in her dreams
      there was a doctor, her mother, a cage above which contained what it looked like severed head toy
      they looked outside to see how the weather
      nice sunny, futuristic looking landscape, buildings flying cars etc..

      Updated 12-27-2015 at 08:03 PM by 85868

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. did i just wild?

      by , 12-04-2015 at 01:52 AM
      So on my typical night i:
      went to bed at 11pm ish
      woke up naturally at 5am ish typical
      went to bed typical after going for a quick washroom and back (no less than 30sec...too damn cold!)
      i obviously dont recall when it started but during the mid hypnagogic state, i really concentrated on creating some visual stuff like a straight line, then a circle. interestingly enough, it started to form the way i wanted for some reason.
      i then started to visualize a face and it did!
      then all of sudden entire blackened area in the background became somewhat like a comic book with big faces, colors and such. just like a comic book, i went through like one page at a time.
      after about 3 or 4 pages, the background switched to my computer desktop.

      i literally told myself, "aw man that wasnt a dream.." and just searched some youtube vids on the next tab just like the one for google chrome

      non wild dream journal

      i was in my work area. sweeping floor and checking out the surrounding. it was getting dark. not a lot of customers. so i thought it was nearing close time. i checked out my time and for some reason i thought i over slept. this pretty lady came by asking what's up and told her "i wasnt suppose to work thsi late.." something along those lines.
      cant remember if we went together but went to my house and met more people there.
      All of sudden, we were outside and a group of soldiers possibly ss during ww2 showed up.
      we were in trouble as they made us lined up for execution. when they were about to start, me and the guy next to me jumped and ran literally for our lives.

      pretty sure a lot happened our escape run but we got obviously caught