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    1. Short parkouring lucid dream

      by , 12-09-2013 at 03:04 PM
      I parkour in an empty field with random floating objects with my friends. The objective is to arrive at the flat shape object few meters away. I finished in the 5th place
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Terrorist, school, pokemon, toy story, batman, DREAMING!!!

      by , 12-04-2013 at 06:08 PM
      The first time I began to remember my dream is when I was talking with my School A administrator. Then a friend of mine enter a school with batman motorcycle and starting to shoot the school's doors and walls. He entered the school with AK-47 rifle and go to 3rd floor and enter one of the classroom. Before he went down, I want upstair throungh another stair. He bring every one out of the school and gather them on a court. I run into a classroom and see that the bomb he planted that was on the place the overhead projector used to be. The bomb looks hi tech and never seen in military before. Then I run in into a toilet and meet a bear name Lotso from toy story 3. He says "adagio" and there is a hole in a ceiling. I went in the hole in to the ceiling by parkouring up. I see that the empty space above the ceiling is very big that enable me to walk upright. I saw a door and go through it and I ended up on the fourth floor of School B. It seems I just went through a teleporter. I saw a pokeball that was on the table and throw it. It is a pokemon named Xatu. I saw the terrorist and my other friends on the court of School B. It seems that they have been teleported too. I glide down with Xatu and crash the terrorist.

      Then I woke up (Real Life) after I crash the terrorist
    3. First Lucid Dream

      by , 12-04-2013 at 05:41 PM
      I wake up in my own room, perform reality checks and I know I was dreaming. I went downstair in the middle of the night. I took my CD case and choose a random CD. I got a film named "Up". Then I watch and begin to command myself to be part of the movie. Then suddenly the dream scene changed and I am in Carl Fredrickson's House (Main character of the movie "Up")
      I enjoy flying in his house, looking at his photos, eating his food and looking outside.

      Then I forgot the parts after I look outside of the house because it just went blank. When I began to realize that I was dreaming, I ended up in my house watching TV with the film "Up".
      lucid , non-lucid