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    by , 02-09-2012 at 10:49 AM (310 Views)
    Tonight i also remember a relatively large portion of my dream(s) and I'm also pretty sure I was awake a around maybe 7 am but feel asleep again pretty fast. The thing i remember best is not surprisingly what I experienced last, which would be playing indoor soccer. It started out with being a clip from what seemed a professional match but at some point it changed into me being a player and instead of a stadium, a hall.
    We were a total of 4 players i believe each team had what seemed like a professional Asian player but I'm also pretty sure that Thomas from "IT ministeriet" was on my team. There was a very annoying the detail to playing and that was my lack of control, i could accelerate but lower my speed and i was barely able to turn. Somehow i was also moving the goals (the type you'd see used in floor ball) around mostly by accident.
    The other main part i remember was based on a city environment i think was Venice or at least Italy. There was on one side of the river an oldish city landscape on which the sun was shining it must have been a bit before sunset since the light was golden. I started out in the city together with at least one other person i cant remember. The next thing that happened was that i got onto a boat since i remember talking about men selling them self as dancers i must still have been together with someone at that point. Then I somehow was on the the other shore (cant remember actually getting off the boat) and it was a hill with a lovely view over the city and the river. The theme here was "landmåling" which meant that i together with my mother had to get to the top of this rather large hill, maybe it would be better described as a small mountain, after wandering a bit around the small streets we found an empty loot on which the point my mother was looking for was located.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
