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    July 27th, 2010: Morning dreaming

    by , 07-28-2010 at 04:36 AM (677 Views)
    This morning I woke up, and I was disappointed by my lack of dream recall from the night before. I know I had at least a few dreams but could only remember bits of one or two. I decided that since I was still somewhat tired, I would take another crack at it.

    I laid in bed and attempted to initiate a WILD which I have not successfully done yet. I tried looking for hypnagogic imagery but saw none. Long story short, I fell asleep and into a non-lucid dream. In this dream I was in an airport terminal. It was dimly lit and I remember a significant lavender hue to the setting. I was a bit chilly and as I looked around, I was surprised to see that many people were lounging about in sleeping bags and mummy bags. Some had tents pitched. Somehow, this did not strike me as strange in the least, perhaps as the result of a recent camping trip I'd been on in my waking life. I determined that these families had been holed up here as the result of flight cancellations. My logic was clearly off. Anyway, I settled down in a bed which had been provided for me; apparently I had also been the victim of flight cancellations. I remember seeing a pair of faded yellow jeans and liking them as I crawled under the covers of the large bed. Many other individuals were also in the bed, which for some reason did not concern me or make me feel strange. I remember seeing a family next to me. There was a strange looking father and I vaguely remember a wife and daughter.

    This is where the dream got interesting: As I fell asleep within this dream, I attempted what I thought would be a WILD. It was not, since I was already sleeping. This time it "worked" and I became momentary lucid, but without any control. In this dream I became a sort of camera, swooping over fantasy cities in the night. As I zoomed over one city, I located the town center which looked EXACTLY like the town centers from Age Of Empires II. I remember laughing in the dream.

    Eventually, the excitement brought on by lucidity sent me out of the dream and I woke in the dark lavender light of the terminal. Then, the strangeness of that dream struck me almost instantly and I woke in my room. The double awakening struck me as pretty cool. All in all, this excited me, even though I was only lucid for a short and uncontrolled period. I have had poor dream recall lately and also, I could not remember the last time I dreamed in color, so the purple of the airport terminal and the yellow of the jeans were good to see. I am excited to give all this another shot tonight!

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    1. jackdude007's Avatar
      Very interesting. I too have had very little dream recall lately, most probably from the little sleep i am getting. I went from recalling 4-6 dreams per night in great detail to recalling 1 or 2 in very minute detail.

      Sounds like an awesome dream though... I too laugh in my LD's and when ever i notice I'm in a dream, i become lucid by saying "Fuck cunt. I'm in a lucid dream". XD

      I too almost became lucid last night, i think i was being chased by something and i relised i was in a dream, the overwhelming feeling woke me up though

      Entertaining post (mainly cause I'm at school )... a double awakening would be an interesting feeling.

      Get plenty of sleep and keep up the lucid dreaming!!! Good luck! XD
      Updated 07-28-2010 at 05:02 AM by jackdude007
    2. LDHare's Avatar
      Hahaha, that's an awesome way to become lucid.

      Yeah, for the last few nights I've been having short bursts of lucidity but they make me way too excited and I wake up. That will pass eventually I think, once the initial over-excitement wears off.