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    21 November 2011

    by , 11-21-2011 at 12:10 AM (410 Views)
    I believe I was going on my trip to Cambodia/Laos. My mum had packed me a small bag, containing music cassettes, CD WalkMan, portable DVD player, some clothes, a very small camera and a remote controlled toy motorbike.

    I was sitting at a table with 2 friends. The one to my right started unravelling one of the cassettes. I told him to stop, but he didn't, I shouted stop and he said something similar to 'Dude, no need to shout." My friend wanted to see what the album was, and the tape said 'Get High'. I tried to roll the tape back up, but the cassette had turned into paper folded into a cassette shape. I had to pierce holes in it in order to roll up the tape.

    I was walking down an alley (that I know) and i pulled out my remote controlled motorbike. 2 girls behind me asked me what it was, I tried to show them me playing with it, but it didn't work and they walked ahead. I got it working and playfully drove it into them. It morphed into a stringy centipede-like thing with a bulbous head (i still controlled it with the remote.)

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    I was looking down onto the ground. The ground was covered in lush green leaves and not a bit of the ground was left uncovered. Something out of my view was fanning the leaves with an even bigger leaf. I could her someone talking (possible whatever was fanning) but it seemed to be in a different language.

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