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    Exploring My Imagination

    Pink Goo

    by , 03-13-2012 at 09:15 PM (470 Views)
    March 13, 2012
    When I woke up this morning I couldnt remember anything. However, when I took a nap today I had one dream

    I can't really remember how this dream started. The furthest thing I can remember is that I woke up in my bed. When I looked at the clock the numbers kept blinking, and I didn't know why. I messed around with it for a while and found that when I turned it a certain way, it stops. I was curious as to why that direction was so special, but I went back to bed (in my dream). When I 'woke up' again I saw that the clock was still facing in that direction, only it was facing another alarm clock located on the other side of my room. I remember thinking, "wait, I don't have that clock anymore!" but I never became lucid. I think I just dismissed it as some weird phenomenon

    The dream is jumbled so I can't recall when the pink slime came into the picture. All I know is that the pink slime was some sort of alien substance that was everywhere. It disguised itself as different everyday objects. Apparently, the extra clock that was in my room was made out of the pink slime. My dream skipped to a new scene of me watching the news. The news lady on the TV had an update on the slime.

    She said something like: "Imagine this. Your five year old son drops a tomato on the floor. When he goes to step on it it doesn't squirt tomato juice, but turns into a thick, pink goo." (while she says all of this a scene of a little boy stepping on a tomato is playing). After she says all of that it goes to show more footage of things turning into pink stuff. The news lady says nothing after that, and I remember feeling annoyed that the news went through all of that trouble to tell the public nothing about what was going on. After that I wake up

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    non-lucid , memorable
