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    Lucid Dreams

    1. More Flying Attempts

      by , 08-22-2010 at 06:11 AM
      I have really got to stop trying to fly. I heard some guy it took ten years for him to learn to fly, and since I've never dreamed of flying... I'm going to need a lot of practice.

      I had just walked around the corner of the house and happened to be looking at the sky. Lo and behold, flying through it was three rather box-y looking, blue and orange space shuttles. I randomly connected them with something from a past dream--in fact, as I looked at them, I was remembering which entry of my journal they were under. [Despite this, when I went back and checked it in the morning, that dream has no record of having blue and orange space-shuttles.] However, I remembered them from a previous dream, and told myself I must have been in another dream. I promptly raised my hand in front of my face, and was delighted to discover my pinky finger seemed to be having trouble connecting with reality [Under normal circumstance, I wouldn't have been delighted, but hey--I was dreaming ^ ^] So like in the last dream, I raced off around the side of the house, hardly noticing that the DC I had been talking to seconds earlier was gone, and hurried off down the driveway. Perhaps it was my imagination, but I seemed to be able to run rather quickly. Anyway. Once I got to the street, I tried to fly--by jumping. No dice. So then I closed my eyes to try and envision myself some nice wings.
      ...I discovered I had trouble opening my eyes again, and was disheartened when I managed to open them a tiny bit, and saw my bedroom. End of dream.
      However, due to this second [!!!] lucid dream, I am able to come up with a couple of hypothesis.

      1.] My House is a dream sign. Both Lucid dreams have occurred when I have been around my house. I've had two other dreams that I've recorded that include my house, but that was before I got into serious lucid dreaming.
      2.] I'm going to need a whole lot more practice to fly, so I'm going to start with something easier.
      3.] This dream will be the last time I close my eyes on a dream ever. again. I've learned my lesson [Found out two days later you shouldn't close your eyes unless you've centered yourself enough, and will stay in the dream]
      4.] I noticed a lot of my friends from theater tend to crop up, so that means I will spend a large part of rehearsals this year doing reality checks. Just in case.

      Updated 08-22-2010 at 06:24 AM by 35704
