A strange dream
, 12-24-2011 at 10:03 AM (439 Views)
A few nights ago I had an odd dream, which isn't exactly new for me. But this dream seemed kinda different. I don't know how really. I remember bits and pieces, but not a lot:
It started with some form of grouping. I remember that I needed to hide from the opposing colors. There were weapons, but not regular guns, more like laser style. And there was something that people could do, almost transforming. I remember trying to blend with the enemy, posing as some kind of guard. I let some one through a gate. They had a gun, maybe a dog with them. This part had all happened at an altered version of my old school. My memory of the dream has me fleeing into a swamp, trying to avoid them, but I know I'm being followed. I reach a ruined house, which I think was actually roughly the shape of my old house, and meet with someone who I somehow knew was there, someone who was going to help me. We had to get someone else to safety. Something came out of the swamp, and my dream mind registered it as a human and an animal at the same time. We fled the building, swimming through the water, reaching land. We were at my house now, although my memory only has us inside it. There were creatures outside, almost like lizards but rat-like. At this point my memory of the dream ends. But there was something else in it. Something about a ring, a very advanced technology... I think I wore it at some point...