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    1. Hands.

      by , 08-28-2011 at 11:40 PM
      I remember looking at my hands and they were morphing around and for some reason I was just staring at them normally as if it was common. I was in my seat where my computer is and from the background it looked noonish. I can'r remember anything else but I remember following someone into my living room. That's all I can recall.
      dream fragment
    2. Semi Lucid dream, three false awakenings.

      by , 08-28-2011 at 11:36 PM
      This starts off with my friend Tyler that is on this website, he told me to meet him up in the dream world at the pyramid that we said we'd meet up. So he texts me right before I sleep with the message "Pyramid." and that reminded me of the plans we made. I went to sleep on my side and woke up in the dream world. I had the urge to check my hands so I did, and my hands only have bits and pieces, it was also see through. My window was open and it was bright in my room and everything was in place, surprisingly. So I get excited knowing it's a lucid dream and run out the back to my back yard and everything is where it's supposed to be. I get to my fence, said fence in reality leads to a parking lot and a field and the fence is covered by a tarp. The tarp was not over the fence and the bushes were not there and it was all foggy outside. So I climb the fence and go into the parking lot and the parking lot is fence, it usually isn't, but I was surrounded by fences and I looked to my left and saw the pyramid there so I was walked to climb the fence to get to the pyramid and I heard barking, barking of German Sheppard's. I look back to see that two German Shepard's were running towards me on the intent to attack me. I knew I was in a dream so I formed a M4A1 in my hands and started shooting the dogs. I shot them a few times on automatic, but it missed and only hit one or two times. It didn't seem to affect them and I ran for the gate. Then I realized that adrenalin kills dreams and that if I kept running and panting hard I would wake up. I stopped running and tried calming down but it was too late. For some reason a screen as if I was in a video game popped up and a man was standing behind it looking at me as if nothing came before my eyes before I awoke. I realized I was waking up because everything was vibrating in my vision so I spun around as a last resort to try and send me else were. That was the first dream. The second dream follows up on the first one with me waking up, but I didn't check my hands and it was dark and I wasn't aware I was still dreaming. I woke up in a hotel next to my girlfriend and I told her about my lucid dream that happened just then and she said that it was interesting and she had to go to work and I could stay home today. So she left and I opened the blinds to that our room was right against the water and pure ocean. I looked out to the see and saw something move outside in the clear water. It looked huge. Said thing came out of the water and it was the Lock Ness Monster. The ocean we were at was nothing like Lake Lock Ness, it was Pacific waters and it was clear so I was amazed that the monster was here, let alone that the monster existed. I looked at it with awe as I saw all the fine details on it. It's skin looked moist and had the color of deep green, it's eyes where reptile looking, it's head was some what rounded and flat, it had two fins on the front and two in the back, it's tail was long and rough, I could see the spine but it looked like it had big spikes shaping out of its back, the mouth had a redish pink tongue, and it's teethe were large. The whole animal itself looked as if it was still maturing. I was amazed by it's detail so I closed the blinds and waited for my girlfriend to come home and I was jumping up and down waiting for her, and she finally came home I explained it all and she was just as excited as I was. We were both tired and went to sleep, leading to the third awakening. I woke up next to my girlfriend again but she was already dressed and fixing her shoes. It seemed we were in the Safari. It was sunny and the trees looked lush and there was sand and dirt on the road to shape it out. She looked at me and said that we should go because it people were expecting us. So I got dressed in hiking clothes with brown boots just like my girlfriend. So we went outside and met with others. We got into a Humvee and went to the Safari. I can't remember much from there but I remember going home and falling asleep. It was a very deep dream.

      Updated 08-28-2011 at 11:41 PM by 49128

      lucid , false awakening