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    by , 04-25-2014 at 08:21 PM (234 Views)
    Hi im new to this posting my dreams online. let me give a little background real quick. Ive always felt my dreams were more than just dreams since i was little, being able to meet people I've never met in the waking life and talk to family members who have passed. I've never really looked to into it i just took the dreams as they came but recently i had a dream that just made me seek out advice.... here it is.

    in my dream i was moving apartments and i kept hearing noises as if some one else was in my new apartment. I felt scared in my dream like you would in real life if you thought someone was in your apartment that shouldn't be. I later made contact with a lady in my dream she was an older african american lady who looked very lost and confused. i was too afraid to approach her so i left the apartment. walking away i met up with older Mexican lady who was very mad at me. The older Mexican lady was a witch (someone who performs voodoo). Some time during the conversation me and the old Mexican lady were having my grandma came up in conversation (my grandma used to believe in voodoo if not practice it as well) (my grandma has been dead for about 6 years now) after the Old Mexican lady found out who my grandma was she lightened up a lot. some how i ended up being in an arranged marriage with her grandson. I've never met him in the waking life but i could recognize him if i saw him again. the entire dream the lady kept checking on me she was always dressed in black.

    everyone in my dream I've never met before. I feel this dream was more than just a dream. if anyone had any input please id love to hear it. if you feel I'm just being crazy you can say that too

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