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    My strange adventures into the unknown world of the subconscious...

    1. 8/31/2012 Memory Loss

      by , 08-31-2012 at 01:44 PM (The Medium)
      Woke up this morning and could not recall much of anything. The last thing I remember, I was talking with a coworker asking him what my dream was about. He said, "I don't know man, the last thing I remember is a boat or something." He was right, the only words that came to my head this morning was a boat of some sort or an industrial area. Still, better than nothing.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Month 1: Phoenix

      by , 08-31-2012 at 06:47 AM (The Medium)
      This post is not a lucid dream or anything. I am writing this to 'get my mind back in the game' and to hopefully increase my recall. How it will work is just following the movements of the past and refining on old techniques. By posting in my dream journal, it may help with improving my recall in general since I look forward to the next post. I will also start posting my current goals in order of importance:

      1) Increase recall
      2) Regain lucidity
      3) Find dream guide
      4) Work on stability

      I will be setting 4 personal tasks of the month for now on, with these counting for September. Hopefully 3 and 4 will work hand in hand. Yeah, the goals are a bit bland and obvious. (especially number 2) I say regain due to the fact I have had more lucid dreams in the past. I will also be setting code names for each month which I will be incorporating into lucid dreams. Sort of a theme so to say. And this month (September) will be Phoenix. A bird reborn from it's ashes. I lost my recall and sort of 'died' in my ability to lucid dream. This will be the rebirth. Well, I'm off to bed. I will post again tomorrow. Good Night!
      p.s.: After writing this sounds sorta dumb to me. Geekish maybe? Lol, I don't really care this in some way will help.
    3. The Infected

      by , 02-02-2012 at 07:50 PM (The Medium)
      I was walking down a sidewalk at an unknown location. It was fairly sunny, but I did not pay much attention to the sky. While walking, I looked at a fence and other nearby objects that had graffiti on them. On the fence was a long line of strange letters that gradually got smaller and went towards the ground. Eventually it was written in marker or something on the ground and went into a nearby alley I believe. While continuing my walk, I could faintly hear what sounded like someone yelling my name out. I did not pay much attention at first, but being curious, I took a peak through a fence with a missing section. On the other side, was a fenced off area with barb wire and guards. Within that area was a cage with someone in it. Apparently I knew him or he knew me, but as I got close, guards were walking closer, so I took off. Hearing the yells for help again, I returned to try to help, but could not do much. It was here the dream scene changed and next thing I remember is that I was playing a video game of the dream I had. Needing help, I attempted to get Travis to download through the Steam client, without much results. The scene now was at my Grandmothers house. Not too much happened until the dream took another direction.

      It was a family dinner. Everyone plus a few other people I did not know was there. I recall I was playing with some sort of sleeping mask/headband thing that I had over my eyes for some reason. And in the guest room there were these 4 or 5 old ladies talking amongst themselves. Looking through the headband at them, the looked like horrible bloodied zombie/vampire/witch beings. Taking off the headband, they looked like normal people. They took noticed of my horrified face, and recall them saying, "He knows." Not good. I bolt out of the hallway and into the kitchen where my grandmother was helping make dinner. Noticing I was not being chased, I attempted to get my grandmother to see who they really were. Resisting of course, as typical of dream characters, I finally managed to get her to see who they were. Things were not looking good as I now see this guy approaching me. He was not at all tall, but seeing what he looked like, made up for that easily. This one had green, puss infected skin that almost seemed to glow, and worst of all fast. Thinking quick, I managed to strike him in the face before he could bite me and get me infected. ( I had not previously known this, but somehow made sense as more people were turning into them.) Escaping to the kitchen, I found to my horror that everyone there was one of them. Even my own younger brother who leaped at me attempting to sink his fangs into me. Fortunately, I was the main character with awesome reflexes, and managed to know him out before damage was done. Though, this just seemed to stir up the hornets nest in a way. one after another they ran towards me, armed with nothing more than a large kitchen knife. I managed to kill a few before finding out that some sort of insect had caused all of this. With the dream loosing clarity and sense of reason, I somehow managed to free all of the important family members, and everything returned to normal.

      The last dream I had was one of those stupid nude dreams. I think it took place some time after the events of the last dream. I was at a very large apartment complex with a pool that seemed to run through the entire place. Lazy river style. And I was nude for some reason with a generic pool floaty. Floating around, I took notice of several women around. Dang, and a lot of them were ugly looking and could see them whisper between themselves. Seeing some kids swim by, I noticed one of them had my stolen swimming shorts. Stealing it back, I reacquired my glorious leggings and continued to seek out my family. It was here my ordeals finally ended as I wake around 10 am.

      Hmm, interesting. Well at least my recall is increasing again...
    4. Tigers, Stores, Ghosts, Oh My

      by , 09-02-2011 at 05:36 PM (The Medium)
      Once again, I had multiple dreams. The first dream was during the night. The location was on some sort of colony ship in space. Most of the people in it had evacuated due to something happening. I am not sure what it was, but it was probably due to mutated killer animals running loose and killing people. I remember I was hiding with 2 other people. We were underneath the floor in some sort of maintenance room. One man was saying something along the lines of " If we survive this, this would make such a great Sci-Fi movie.". Of course, after saying that, a mutated tiger monster thing reached down from somewhere and ate him almost whole. Using that as a distraction, I was able to get away.

      Another dream, I was sen to the store to get a few things. Arriving at what I thought was Kroger, I went up to this main counter thing, and had to get a number. Once a number was called, we could go in. My number was 300. O_o Looking around, I could see that this place was far more than a grocery store. Connected to it was also like some sort of casino type place for some reason. I remember after talking to a few people about pretty much boring stuff, or asking about how to just get some stupid groceries, I gave up, gave my ticket to some random passerby, and left.

      My final dream was more along the lines of a nightmare. I recall seeing some little kid come out of a dark room crying and being extremely frightened. I am not sure where this was, but I decided to face what was in there. In the room, now with the lights on, were a few mirrors, and a door leading in, and another leading out. I did not see what the deal was, so I turned out the lights. Standing there for a few seconds, nothing happened. But turning around, I could have sworn I saw a face in my peripheral vision. Startled, I quickly turned toward it, seeing the mirror that was now dimly glowing. The figures became more clear, they were like very angry souls. I attempted to flee, but it was like my whole body was paralyzed, I could not even yell for help. Then things got weird. If I recall correctly, it was like looking into a mirror reflecting a mirror, seeing infinitely and filling my whole vision. I could hear the screaming of the shadowy people getting loud, At some point, I think I managed to make it to the door, when I woke up. At least I thought I did. I believe I had a few false awakenings before I finally woke up.
    5. Of Ice Cream and Guns

      by , 09-01-2011 at 08:34 PM (The Medium)
      The first dream was about Travis and I going to get up early and go with our Grandfather to go hunting with some other family members. Travis is my brother by the way. I have never hunted before, so I am not quite sure as to why we were suddenly going. The day before, I had made myself a huge bowl of ice-cream. Man, was it good. But something happened, and I had to stop eating and put it in the sink to melt. >:[ The next morning, I think we were at my Grandparents house, we were getting ready again I think. It was a pretty weak attempt, as if nobody was taking it seriously. And, again, I made myself another huge bowl of ice-cream. I could not get enough of that stuff. >:O~ I don't remember too much afterwards. I think the dream faded.

      The second Dream I was at high school again. This time a partner and I had to present a project to the class. My partner was a student I once knew a long time ago, but were never really friends. To make a long, and quite boring story short, he presented it without me for some reason, and later I just recall walking around the campus.

      The third dream happened a bit later in the morning. I was with my Dad and we were in some sort of shop. The owner had a lot of tools and for some reason custom firearms. I recall that at one point, after meeting a few people whom I have never met in real life, including someone claiming to have the name Terezi, a web-comic character. We were trying out a new weird gun that the owner had made. But the strangest part was that someone volunteered to be the target. O__O After getting shot multiple times, he walked away with several huge whelp marks. It seemed to be a non-lethal gun, but the bullets were huge! I finished off the clip into some targets that were setup. We later went into another part of the building where there were a ton of people walking around. It looked like a very crowded convention center. Walking through the place, there seemed to be a lot of people fighting and getting angry. Even I got caught up in a fight with some punk who looked familiar. After a few punches were thrown and him ending up on the floor, I guess I spared him and went along with my business. I don't remember too much more as I guess the dream started to fade into oblivion.
    6. More Random Fragments

      by , 08-31-2011 at 07:19 PM (The Medium)
      The first dream was Minecraft related. Strange, seeing as I don't play it much any more... I remember we had built a world and that there were a ton of monsters. One of them was buggy, and kept crashing the game. Although the dream was in the game, the scenery never changed too much, even if it was crashing. Not too much happened other than finding the buggy enemies and blowing them up with TNT.

      The second dream was a bit different. The location was at home and it was nighttime. I remember seeing Travis, Mom, and Dad mostly. I do not remember too much of what happened, but here are the important events in order of least to most interesting. In the first event in this dream, I remember filling a bath tub to take a bath. Even if I like taking showers instead. And I remember our kittens jumping in the tub and playing underwater for some reason. I kept trying to get them out, but they kept jumping back in. It was kinda weird since it looked like they were trying to drown themselves.

      The second event was that Mom and Dad had found a drawing on the back of one of their fans. It said: "I was here. M-a-d-n-e-s-s" with a drawing of a cartoon character underneath. The weird thing was that the drawing seemed familiar, as if I had drawn it in a previous dream a long time ago.

      The last, and most important event took place in a dark room in the house. I remember hearing a voice compelling me to come in. Once I was in, I recall seeing a glowing clock in the room that was incomplete. I don't remember exactly what color, however. The voice guided me through the process of finishing the pendulum. Once I finished it and attached it, something was happening. Something important. But before I could figure it out, I got distracted by those cats jumping into the bath tub. I am starting to like these sort of dreams. Very strange, but feeling that the event taking place is important. Here's hoping to more dreams like this.

      Updated 09-02-2011 at 07:05 AM by 12715 (grammar)

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    7. First Entry- Strange Fragmentations

      by , 08-29-2011 at 10:19 PM (The Medium)
      Been out of the loop for a long time, decided to try my hand at lucid dreaming again. Maybe this will help me have lucid dreams? I will copy and paste entries from Liquid Dream III here from now on. Last night/ this morning I had several dreams that I don't think were connected, maybe they were, but they seemed like fragments. This is my first major post, so here's hoping my strange subconscious will be accepted here.

      The first one the setting was at some sort of old, one story building, pretty cramped, and was jam-packed with computers. I am not sure what their function or purpose was, but I remember it being important. One of the things that stuck out was a flight simulator, that to be honest, was sort of out of place. Perhaps it was employee stress relief? The building was divided into many rooms separated by glass walls with automatic sliding doors. A recurring color I recall seeing was beige and black. I do not remember too much more as I either woke up or the dream faded into the next one.

      The second fragment was the strangest. It seemed to have an important atmosphere and seemed a bit darker, both atmosphere and the hue of the dream. I don't remember too much as there is heavy fragmentation. The important thing is I had a computer running a strange program. Either life support for a strange creature I was trying to keep alive or some other purpose. I can't remember. I do, however, recall being very diligent and keeping an eye on it almost constantly. Later, after events I cannot recall, I returned to where this was running. And found the creature, who was this giant (ancient?) spider like creature that was slightly humanoid, in what seemed suspended in a huge void. Everything was black except the monster. It was as if the room that held the equipment had been transported into another dimension. I remember it had an important role, and did not fear it. I remember it saying that it had grown to great stature, as I recall I was only a speck compared to it, however it saying that I was just as powerful as it somehow. Maybe talking about the fact that I can do anything in a dream? I am not sure what it's purpose was, maybe I will try to seek it again once I am able to accomplish lucid dreaming.

      The third dream I had was strange as well, as it involved some sort of video game and me trying to find the name of this really cool video. In the video game section, I had to destroy the 'core' of some sort of mechanism. I think I have seen it somewhere in waking life, but I cannot remember. I was shooting at various exposed pillars decorated with strange writing that was multicolored. Although at some point I think I stopped playing for some reason. Probably to find that video. I don't think anything else happened afterwards.

      Now, another fragment I recall working at some place that had become overrun by human like machines (cyborgs?). And the only way to avoid capture was blending in with some sort of bio-mechanisms that produce energy or something. I cant recall too much except later I was riveting a box together. That held some other equipment. This is about as far as I got when I woke up.
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