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    1. The Apartment

      by , 03-08-2011 at 12:50 AM
      This was a dream I had on February 25th.

      It's not too big and exciting for my first DJ entry, but it was still probably one of the first lucid dreams I documented, though it was short.

      Okay, so it began as I was getting up out of bed for school. The point to note thinking back was that I was already dressed and I just went out the front door. I didn't even bother looking at the clock, even though I should have. The last thing I remember before I left was leaving itself.

      After I opened the door and walked out, after an extremely bright, warm light, I appeared in a parking lot, in front of a huge building. Now I hadn't become lucid quite at that time, so I continued on to enter this building.

      When I entered I had my office chair in hand, not questioning it. In front of me were many people, moving about on the lower level of this huge building. It was primarily made of glass and what looked like some sort of steel. Everything seemed reflective, and it was so bright it was amazing. It felt like some sort of large mall complex. Regardless, I moved forward and an escalator with a few people going up them was in view, and to the right of that was a white marble staircase.

      At this point I hopped on the escalator, and met someone I knew. It was a kid named DJ, ironically. I knew he was a friend of my brother's and one year older than me. He was leaning on the staircase rail, watching the people go by on the escalator as he noticed me.

      He called to me and followed me to my destination upstairs which I had apparently already decided on.

      The destination was a fairly spacious apartment, relatively the size of a decently high rated hotel suite, to the right of the escalator and staircase. It was called "Apt. 103" as declared by the golden plaque near the door. I seemingly had a key, or it was unlocked, and I entered. DJ followed me here, and we sat down for a minute. I almost seemed to be thinking about looking for something, but had no idea what I needed.

      At this time I also set down the office chair, and rested on the futon near the entrance in a sort of living area. Then I looked to the clock, and reality checked my way into lucidity.

      Something I should address is that numbers and times on the clock are a strong presence within my daily life. Particularly, many repeating numbers that I see on a regular basis. Why on the very day I write this I've seen 10:10, 3:33, and 5:55.

      Using this basis as a reality check in my real life, I was able to practice it when the concept came into my dream. When I looked at that clock, I saw 10:10, which I see quite often. I can only assume this was in the morning based on the brightness I had seen. Regardless, I realized what time it was, and stopped myself for a moment.

      I had to prove to myself subconsciously that I was indeed dreaming, so I ran out of the apartment, my office chair with me again, and burst through the doors of the large glass building. In another sensation of bright, warm light, I appeared in my kitchen, now without the office chair, right in front of the stove with the green digital clock staring at me, bearing the time 6:41.

      Upon this event of apparently reversing time, I went to bed in the dream, and woke up at 5:30 as usual in reality by alarm clock.

      The next time I saw that clock above the stove in reality, it bore the time, 6:41.

      Another odd thing about me is that my eyes tend to change color, but rarely do. After waking and waiting for my eyes to adjust to the light, and of course, recording this dream, I looked in the mirror and noticed my eyes were green, different from the normal deeper blue my entire family is accustomed to.

      Well that's all, boy was that long winded Thanks for reading if you read it all!