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    1st LD since 5 years

    by , 06-19-2015 at 02:09 PM (447 Views)
    Ok, so finally i had a LD, the last one was 5 years ago and was too short and couldnt enjoy it.
    So, i found myself in a common square in my city, and knew right away that was dreaming ( Need explication, why) so i did a RC. The RC was touching my left hand with the point of my fingers from the right and hoping to penetrates or fades away, so i did it and didnt work because i felt it like WL, so i did a second RC, this time rolling my left thumb inside the hand i did it and the hand absorbed it like a black hole. So finally i said, im dreaming finally!, and a i begin to watch my surroundings, and it was a very bright like a dark yellow sun, and i watch a couple a women and a men, they say to me

    Why dont you fly?. And i begin to move my arms like a bird (lel) but i still couldnt fly, the same couple say, not like that, do it with 1 arm up and the other relaxed, and puf! i begin to fly, well this part cant remember quite well, but i can remember that couldnt stop saying, my god this feels so real!, so i landed in the same place, do another RC because i feel it so real (b cant remember the whole dream like WL) summon a girl that is hot and the couple says, Dont do it, so i dont.

    I was thinking what to do, where do i travel?, suddenly i begin to think about teletransportation and cant do it, i try to do the spinning thing (both ways) and cant too, so i think into summon a star wars character and fight with it (ny goals) but i said, better do it another time and just feel relaxed and enjoy the rest of the scene.

    Thanks all of you for making this happen, now im more confident about LD.

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