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    remembered about lucid dreaming

    by , 07-18-2010 at 10:51 AM (523 Views)
    forgot about it, and haven't had a lucid dream in 2 months. decided to get back to it, so after researching abit last night on this site and wiki, and learning about 2 new things - binaural beats, and dreamachines - i went to bed telling myself...you gonna lucid dream, you gonna lucid dream...

    i got tired fast and kept telling myself...gonna lucid dream...
    toward the time i actually fell asleep, i think it was more difficult as my reflexes took over and i tossed to a more comfortable sleeping position on my right side...

    but i didn't lucid dream...i only dreamed, and remembered.

    the dream

    i was with this girl/woman probably in her twenties (my age). we were going somewhere. we met up with a few young girls, adolescent around age 10. I'll call this girl/woman Daria because later in the dream, I associated a Daria i know in reality with this woman. I felt like Daria was doing some work that she's already accustomed to and I was following her either by chance or interest. The girls and we went to a classroom. This room isn't a typical school classroom. Instead, the floor was nicely planked and the chairs were small nursery chairs. Was I in a 10-year old sunday school kind of classroom? Or was this a dance studio being used for theory class? Well, all I know is we had some activity there. There was some teacher...

    I don't know if the scenario repeated itself, but eventually the last the replays came, and it's the one I recall best.

    I was with Daria again. We went to the classroom and there were many girls there now, sitting on small chairs, forming a circle (except the circle isn't a circle but is just all chairs near one another and facing inward). The teacher was a bespectacled old and stout/fat man. Daria, where was she? Somewhere behind the chairs as if she wasn't participating but a teaching assistant? This time, there were men on the chairs too, participating. They were in their early-20s and I guess Singaporean looking, thereby being young looking. They seemed well dress, I seem to think of black with some silvery bling. Are they gay? I sat on a chair just behind some chairs that formed the circle. Teacher started railing about something. What? I don't recall. I remember him addressing all of us, and then specifically going up to someone before specifically to me. With respect to me, he grabbed my throat (it felt like a very light grabbed although he used 2 hands) and said something about "why...?" After he let go, I said, hey I'm not part of this.

    Now we're on a train to somewhere. I find out that we're going to some place in America or Europe, or at least somewhere on the north-west section of a map. And I realize we are in the south-east section, specifically Australia. I say, "this is going to take forever! From Australia to <wherever> is one end of the world to the other. And from bottom right to top left! It's at least 10,000 miles!" People agree and we just lightly laugh over it. Daria is in the cabin with me. Suddenly we're not going anymore.

    Daria and some of the people from the group are now tending to a food-court shop, I think selling drinks. I seem to be away from the group for some time now. I go over and mingle? chat? i don't remember. But i know what's on my mind: What is this group? What do we do?

    Yet, I'm afraid to ask. it feels like it's taboo to ask. I am suspecting it's some gay thing (with the guys), or it's some sex thing (where they are training the young girls to become enchantresses or something). Basically, it feels shady. I finally ask, and I am told nobody really knows. Suspicious...confusing.

    Now Daria and about 3 other people are walking away in some train station. This is the point where I associated that woman to Daria. I chase after them (walking) but I don't think I caught up. Then I was chatting to some other people...and I can't remember again...

    and then woke up.

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