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Today i dreamed a 5dreams its my record, and few dreams was very vivid and i should know that its a dream.. First dream I dont tell all a dream but the point i drive car and i cant stop and before mountain end i stopped somehow weird. Then my dc char who was with me fixing car and i watching to a lake and there was a whale but him was weird like a earthworm but more creeepy.. then i look in other side and about in half km and i see boy walking and a bug but again it was super creepy yellow/brown and its double bigger then human.and him catch that boy with his mouth and that boy looked at me and smiled. super weird yes? seccond dream i walking in ct with random dc who talking about lucid dreaming, we walk him met a lot of friends and him keep talking about lucid dreaming , and i think i go home to get lucid dream but i walk to very different place then my home is but i didnt walk to it i see a girl who i know in real life she was on a tree said me hi i keep walking and find one friend, we talk and i watch back i see brother few dc and friend who talking hmm we go to them and i we said hi but that friend and another friend is brothers and him said me when we walk to them its realy not my brother, him in journey now.. Weird think that i get dc who talk about lucid dreaming and i didnt still realize that its a dream, and my friend brother was black. but his a white in real life