• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    by , 03-23-2016 at 05:22 AM (304 Views)
    So I was dreaming and for whatever reason I was in this big dining hall because I got accepted into Hogwarts (which I was suspicious about because I'm too old for them to send a letter) and apparently some of my friends had gotten accepted too. So I'm sitting near my friends Giana and Kelly from my Art class and then I figure out I'm dreaming. So naturally I build myself a skate park and a rad board and I start to skate. Then I see this door and I kind of go out of lucidity. I see these weird land-shrimp things and they're all different colors behind different doors controlling different dreams. Then I find this green one and he's chilling on top of a floating island and I go to chill with him, but he gets angry and throws mounds of dirt at me and I dodge them but fall into water. After that I woke up.
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