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    Mr_Jinsue's Enigmas

    by , 07-27-2010 at 07:10 AM (276 Views)
    5/1 - Rating 3/5
    Friends With Duff
    I was at my house, sitting on the fence next to the pool. With me was another friend and Hilary Duff. Me and Hilary were really close friends; it seemed like she and I had know each other since we were kids and the three of us were relaxing, talking and mucking around. I must have checked my phone at some point because I had it out and Hilary grabbed it from me because she wanted to check her email. Fiddling with something in the back similar to a sim card she flicked through my silver phone with ease and I just sat back. The phone was quite futuristic and sleek looking.

    Then the dream shifted to some time later and I was on an airliner plane, with Hilary and lots of other random people. Something happened and the plane started to lose altitude. I glanced out the window and saw the street that runs adjacent to mine in RL; everything was running slowly and I must have had a puzzled expersion as the street flew by, I declared the name of the street to everyone around me and how it was odd the plane was there. Then the plane kept falling, down a sloping street and eventually hit the asphalt as the road flattened out and came to a coldesac.
    Right before we hit everyone was standing up, not in fear but wanting to know when we were going to hit. Looking out the front cockpit window I saw my old highschool grounds just as they are in RL and started to get a little histerical, trying to point this odd fact out to everyone.

    Once the plane stopped and we were outside B came up to me, he must have been on the plane too, and asked why I pointed out the first street before. "I live on the next street, just over there" I pointed. Realising we had somewhere to go a group of people I knew including Hilary walked easily to my house.
    There was another segment without Hilary but I seem to have forgotten it

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