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    Myke Gregory

    'old lady/supermarket' Dream

    by , 05-10-2012 at 04:42 AM (503 Views)
    This night i remembered 2 dreams

    the first one, i cant remember much, i remember walking through what looked like the slums of brazil. i saw a house with an old white haired lady in it. sitting with her back to the window she was really old, it felt like she was an old family relative. i think her name was joyce or grace.
    we both went in to the (i was with somebody, didnt see who) house to see.
    Then suddenly i'm back out side the house where the dream started, looking at the back of the old ladys head. the whole city looked like it had been bombed, most of the houses were rubble. i felt like i hadnt been here for years.
    then i saw the old ladys hair, she looked lifeless sitting in the chair i said to myself "i hope she's not dead"
    i was right outside the window now looking.
    she got up and turned round we were all very happy to see each other and i hugged her through the window (the was never any pane of glass there) We then walked around the house towards the door and the dream ended.

    2nd dream.
    I was in a supermarket. it resembled Tesco and wallmart. very tall and big building.
    I was with this boy, he must have been like 12 or something, quite young. He got on the bike he found on display but he fell over and it made a loud noise, i could hear shouting from behind me and i asked him "is that someone from our group or a worker" (i think we were part of a larger group visiting this mall) "yeah, its a worker!" i heard from behind me, rather aggressively. i turned round and acknoleged him. i said something along the lines of "oh right, no problem, sorry about that" he replied agressivly again although i cant remember what he said. I relpied with something, cant remember what i said, something to the effect of "listen tough guy, we've said sorry now back down" after that i turned back around and walked away down an aisle.
    when we got to the end i could see my mum outside at the bus station hurryingly waving us over. me and the boy must have been late for the bus.
    the dream ended after that.

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